
June Story Contest

Elder and the Laughing Leprechaun part 2 - Click for part1
By: microphone
Age: 12

Lindory loved to talk, though it was constantly inturrupted by giggles. He seemed sad.
            "Now - hehe - that you have returned - hehe - you can read my message - hehe,"
            "Yes Lindory - I think I'll do that."
            I set the chest down by my feet in Elder's stall, and untied the message around his neck.
            It read:

            The reader who finds this
            Is destined for great things
            Some horrible,
            Some wonderful,
            The reader is the path
            Whoever reads this first
            Will either destroy or save the Earth
            By way of horse
            And rider
            The reader who finds this first

            "What?" I said, puzzled.
            "You are destined to either destroy or save the Earth. I can tell you no more - I have to go."
            I suddenly realized something. "You're not laughing anymore!" I exclaimed.
            Lindory smiled, "The curse was to be lifted once the Rider read the note. I searched and searched, but couldn't find a suitable person. The note refused to be opened to so many little girls and boys. It was waiting for you. When you are ready, the Elves will train you in combat and other skills."
            "Elves?" I said bewildered, "But they're only in Fairy Tales, like the books Christopher Paolini writes,"
            "No - just like I am real, they are real."
            I shook my head, utterly dumbfounded. "Where can I find them?"
            "When you are ready I'll show you."
            I began to groom Elder. "And how long will I be away?"
            "Your training will take over two years to complete,"
            "Two years away from my family - away from everything I've ever known?"
            "I'm sorry Alexis - but it is your duty.”
            I left the stable, shoulders sagging. I had to pack immediately. I bounded up the stairs and into my room, where I grabbed my backpack and saddle bags and began stuffing items inside. I snuck into the kitchen - it seemed Amy was reading and Mom was asleep. I grabbed bread, meat, fruit and several other food items and stuffed them inside my pack. I ran outside again and put some oats for Elder in one of the saddle bags, along with some baby carrots. I quickly put Domino back inside his stall, said goodbye to all the horses, and to the house and my family, before mounting Elder and following the leprecon on the journey that would change my life.

            Three weeks later, Lindory said we were almost there, and that soon we would need an Elf Escort. He whistled shrilly four times, and waited.
            "What is your purpose to come to Vach-Mere?" said a light voice behind us.
            I turned, and saw a beautiful elf female, glowing in the sunlight. She held an elegant sword in her right hand, and strapped to her left arm was a gold-colored sheild.
            "We have come with the Rider that will change everything,"
            I bowed and said, "Hello, elf, I am Alexis and this is my horse Elder."
            The elf bowed back and replied, "Human - I am Nifradae, trainer of the Rider."
            I bubbled with excitement. This beautiful, strong elf was going to teach me!
            "And Lindory, you have returned."
            "Yes Nifradae. I have come and I am glad. I am glad I have met the Eloquent Elf."

The End of Part 2!
Look for Elder and the Eloquent Elf coming soon!