
July Story Contest

CPP Story Club? Part?
By: Shiloh101
Age: 10

It Is a Warm,Sunny April day when Bailey,a blonde, smart, tall girl was riding her Arabian palomino gelding, Dancer with her pal Olivia. Olivia is a light dirty blonde and is smart and tall like Bailey. Olivia's loves her horse, a white Arabian mare called Double Trouble. Double trouble was trouble so everyone called her Trouble for short.

The to pals trotted there horses on a trail at Blue Ribbon Paradise stables. “Wanna race back to the stables?” Olivia asked. “Sure! Double Trouble looks like he wants to Race” Bailey says looking at Trouble. “Okay,ready......Set.....Go!!!” Bailey says galloping her horse back to the barn. Olivia Pasted up Trouble and won. “Yes!I won!!” Olivia screamed to Bailey. “Good job!” Bailey said.

The friends put there horses away and sat down on hay.”What are we going to do?” Bailey said.
“I don't know what we can do for the Arabian horse race...” Olivia said discouraged.
Allie a rich Brown haired girl came up.”How about you guys not do it because everyone knows Bella will win. My Beautiful Arabian. NOT a ugly horse like yours.” She said rolling her eyes.
Olivia screamed “How about you just quit and go study!!”
“What ever” Allie said and whipped her horse “Go!! Come on!! You dumb animal!!”.

“I know what we can do!! We can enter in it! Both of us! We can beat her!!” Olivia scrambled together. “What? Her horse was breed carefully and is trained for it!” Bailey said unsure.
“We can train our horses Hard every day!”
“But the race is in 1 week! We can never do it in time!!”
“We can try”
“Let's start tomorrow. “
“Bye, dinner! See you tomorrow” Bailey said looking at her mother's Black pickup truck. “Bye” Olivia said. Bailey ran to her mothers car and bailey waved bye and Olivia waved back. Just then her father came out of the barn.
”Want to go home sweetie?” her father said in a husky voice. “Okay”.


It was misty in the morning and she and bailey where already exercising there horses at the race track they would be racing at.”We will beat her!” Olivia said “Okay...” Bailey said unsure again. The pals raced there horses hard but over the week there horses really improved and started understanding it. They felt that they could beat Allie. But they still had to fix the abusing of Allie's horse Bella. They could see the screaming in Bella’s eyes.

“And they're off!” The race announcer said. The crowd screaming the horses names. Allie was in the lead at the gate and Olivia and Bailey where at the end and the other Arabs where fast. But the pals had a trick up there sleeve. At the last stretch the pals galloped there horses fast and past up Allies horse Bella and Allie was furious. So she tried to catch up and came in last. The pals crossed the finish line and Olivia's horse won by a centimeter.
“We won!!” Olivia said. “Good job. But you won...” Bailey questioned.
“No we won against Allie!”
Olivia screamed! “Yes we did!!” Bailey realized.
The Best Friends high-fived. But they still had a problem with Allie's horse Bella.....