
June 2009 Story Contest

The Mystery Horse
By Plara

Chapter 1 the beauty

On a warm summer evening Lily was riding an old show pony.   She tuned left not right and found herself lost in a black forest far from home. Then suddenly she heard a clap of thunder, and, as Lily ducked to avoid the rain, she heard a loud whinny.

She looked up, and she saw a silver shiny horse. With golden hooves it was galloping by, and diamonds flew from its mane and   flowers from its tail. They were so beautiful that words close to it could not even be written down. Then there was a clap of thunder and it was gone. The horse was far away.

She was on the right turn.  In front of her was a pile of stones and flowers. She picked them up and rode home.


Chapter 2 the diamonds and flower

It was like magic, Lily said to her parents that night after dinner.

“Bed time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” called Marcie. Lily hopped in bed. But as she fell asleep she could not stop thinking about it. At some time during the night she was woken up by the sound of hooves. She jumped out of bed. Diamonds were all in the air. Then there was the Horse. Lily jumped out of the window grabbed a rope and caught him.  He whinnied.

Father came running as Lily tied him to a post.  Father said, “He will need to be trained but then he can be yours.”

“Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” said Lily.


Chapter 3 I can ride him

The next morning after breakfast Lily went outside. She lead the horse around. He was perfect. All around he was perfect. When she swung lightly into the saddle, they trotted, they cantered and galloped. She brought logs, and they jumped. After riding in circles, they rode backwards.  They did backwards circles and other good tricks. He flew 10 feet over jumps. She danced on his back. She decided to enter him in a show.

Chapter 4 the show

Her father said that there was a show that afternoon. She got a place in it that afternoon.
She rode there. As they went in the ring to perform, Lily looked at the competing horse, Dragon. He did the same tricks. But when Lily leapt off her stallion, he flew 10,000,000 feet in the air, bowed and came down. And they won!!!!!

When they got home, they played.
And she was happy.