
June Story Contest

Tyson's Herd
By: horsecrazygirl12
Age: 10
Age: 10

Opal, Diamond, April, Jealous, Hannah, Mercy, and Jace were all of the mares in the herd. Springer and Hop were colts. Miracle, Justice, and Heartbreak were fillies. And the stallion was Tyson. The lead mare was Hannah. One day when the herd was grazing in a field a little girl walked by eating an apple, she had a whole bushel full of apples. 25 apples! Tyson wanted to keep his mares, colts, and fillies safe so he told them to huddle together.
“Hannah you keep the herd together,” Tyson said. Hannah nickered as if to say yes.
“Jealous you’re in charge of the colts and Diamond you the fillies,” Hannah ordered Jealous and Diamond. “Everyone stay together.”
The little girl heard this communication, but didn’t know what they were saying.
“My name is Katelyn, I have apples and peppermints. Here, have them all!” Katelyn gave the herd all of the apples and unwrapped all 24 of the peppermints. Then she ran home. The next day she came with 1 halter.
“Please come with me, I am lonesome up here. My daddy has to work a lot. And my mommy left when I was very little.” So Tyson stepped forward and the mares gasped. Katelyn led Tyson away. Then Hannah and the herd started following behind them. When they got to the home where Katelyn lived, Dr. Charles, a.k.a Katelyn’s father, noticed the herd. He walked beside them until they reached a nice white pasture with luscious green grass. Tyson went and Hannah, Opal, Diamond, April, Jealous, Mercy, Jace, Springer, Hop, Miracle, Justice, and Heartbreak all followed Tyson.
“Daddy we can set up a riding school!” Katelyn said.
“Sure thing honey.”
They set up a riding school and Katelyn has a fun time with her new friends. The foals grow up to be just as great as the mares and Tyson.