
June Story Contest

By: Buttercup7
Age: 7

Once upon a time there was a barnyard pony named Splash. He loved the water and that’s how his name became Spladsh. He loved it when Katy, his owner, rode him and made him trot and canter. But he didn’t like his stable mate Srappy. He dropped his food on the ground so it attracted mice. At night when he went to be, Srappy would wait for Splash to snore. Then he would knock Splashs food bin on the ground. Splash didn’t wake up because he was having a dream Katy giving him 100 pony treats.

When he woke up mice were everywhere!
“What? Srappy did you do this?”
“Why, I?” asked Srappy with a grin.
“Because I didn’t do it!”
“What about the mice?” asked Srappy.
“They are too tiny!” said Splash with a snort.
He wanted to tell him but Splash was too angry.
“Fine!” said Splash with two snorts.
“Look”, he said, “I didn’t do it.”
“Youre lying!” said Splash as Katy walked in.
“Shh!” said Srappy, “here comes Katy.”
“How’s my boy?” said Katy.

She went into the stall. Splash turned his back on Katy. He loved cantering and trotting but not today. Time for a pony mething with Srappy, thought Splash.
“No rides today, boy?” asked Katy. “Oh you want to stay with Srappy. That’s nice.”
“Easy for you to say” Splash wondered out loud. Katy left.

The ponies were alone.
“Sp-Sp-Splash” said Srappy.
“What?” asked Splash.
“I tipped your food”, said Srappy.
“It’s ok”, said Splash, “I forgive you”.