
June Story Contest

The First Ride
By HoneyDewMelon
Age: 11

       Regan walked to the truck and paused for a moment, thinking about how the day was going to go.She smiled and got into the truck, thinking about the stables.Her father, Mill, got into the truck and drove her to the stables.She excitedly jumped out of the truck and walked over to her instructor."Ms.Lawson, I'm here!" She smiled widely."Alright, Regan.I want you to meet Tucker.You'll be riding him for your lessons." Ms.Lawson slid open the stall door to reveal a grey pony."Aww, He's so adorable!" She said happily.
   Ms.Lawson helped Regan prepare Tucker for their ride.Afterward, Regan led Tucker to the ring for their private lessons.She mounted and balanced herself in the saddle."Alright, Boy...This is it!" She leaned forward and whispered to the pony.Tucker bobbed his head up and down, nickering.He seemed go agree.Ms.Lawson instructed Regan to trot after warming up."This is so much fun!" Regan commented.She did a posting trot, feeling the rythym of Tucker's trot.Something suddenly frightened the pony, and he reared and began galloping all around the ring."Woah, Tucker!Easy boy!" Regan could hear Ms.Lawson saying.
  Regan clung to the horse as he went up and down.She held onto his mane as he galloped. She realized that he wasn't spooked anymore, he was just galloping because she hadn't stopped him.Suddenly she seemed to leave the world.All she could see was Tucker, and she could only hear his nostrils flaring to breathe.She was riding him.She was really riding him.She slowed him to a halt and was suddenly back on planet Earth. Ms.Lawson looked at her, a smile on her face."Good job, Regan."

The End