
May Story Contest

The Land of Unicorns- A Secret Land
By: lululauren2000
: 10

I walked down the path. I love this trail. Finally, I reached the place where there were two paths. I knew the one going left took me home, but I have never gone right. I decided to go right instead of left. So I walked down the long path. But soon the wind picked up. I stopped. The wind swirled all around me. Suddenly a snow white shape came running towards me. I gasped. The white blur whinnied. It was a horse! The horse slowed a little when it was by me. It stopped right in front of me. I climbed on the great horse not noticing her rainbow mane and tail. Or her rainbow hooves. And defiantly not her sparkling silver horn. The horse broke into a gallop. Soon it felt like we were flying. Little did I know we were. The motion of the horse slowly coaxed me asleep. Asleep.

“Child, we are here. Wake up.” said a voice.  I opened my eyes. In front of me a snow white horse with a rainbow mane looked down at me. “Where am I” I asked franticly. “You are at The Land of the Unicorns.” answered the horse. I noticed the horse had a sparkling silver horn on her forehead. “Why am I here?” I asked. “And what’s your name” “My name is Wish. I work for the wishing star. You are here to save the unicorn kingdom. Now, hop back on my back we need to see Stella, Queen Shimmer, King Shadow, and Princess Leela.” said Wish. I climbed back on Wish’s back. She took off and soon we were flying through the air. We entered a wooden door. When Wish landed we were in front of a golden stable.

A girl with long dark brown hair rode up to them on a pale pink mare with a golden horn. Her mane was dark pink. The mare’s whole body sparkled. “Wish you have returned.” said the girl. The girl looked at me. “My name is Stella. The unicorn I’m riding is Queen Shimmer, queen of the unicorns” “How do you do? Wish, thank you. No all of you come into the royal stable, my home” said Queen Shimmer. I rode Wish into the stable. When we arrived a light blue unicorn mare greeted us. “My name’s Seabreeze. But you can call be Sea. I am Queen Shimmer’s head maid.” Sea said smiling. “Shimmer, are we going to the banquet hall?” asked Stella. “Why of course!!! Wish and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what’s your name?” asked Queen Shimmer. “Sandra.” I replied. “Wish, Sandra, you may stay to eat. Sandra don’t worry, time doesn’t pass in your land when you’re here.” ordered Queen Shimmer.

We walked across the gold floor. We came to a stall door labeled Dining Room. Stella slid the bolt. In the stall was a door. Stella climbed onto Shimmer. Wish looked at me. “Climb onto my back Sandra.” she said. I climbed onto Wish. Wish and Shimmer ran towards the door. I closed my eyes. “Sandra? Come sit at the table.” cried Shimmer. I opened my eyes. A long table was in front of us. Shimmer waved her horn and yelled “Nametags!! Bee happy Ban! Sandra human, Wish unicorn!” Nametags appeared on the table. I sat on the chair where my name was. Next to me Wish stood up. Wait! Wish wasn’t standing on the tile floor. Her hooves were floating! “This is how unicorns sit.” explained Wish. I nodded.

Suddenly Shimmer, a coal black unicorn with a golden horn, and a silver unicorn foal with a rainbow mane and a golden horn, “sat” at the table. “Sandra this is Shadow, King of the Unicorns, and my daughter Leela, Princess of the Unicorns.” introduced Shimmer. I smiled. Leela had streaks of white on her silver coat. Then a light yellow unicorn mare with a honey colored mane and a white horn galloped into the room. She jumped into the air and flew around. The light yellow unicorn mare looked at me. “My name is Buttermay. I am one of the kitchen maids.” She whispered into my ear as she flew by. Then Buttermay flew to the middle of the table. Still in the air, she looked around at all of us. “Tonight the humans will have Macaroni and Cheese and chicken nuggets. The unicorns will have Honey Oat mash with Apple-flavored Hay. For drinks the humans will have Chocolate Milk and the horses Carrot Juice. For desert, Apple Pie. Enjoy!” announced Buttermay. Wish was “sitting” right next to me. She nickered. A bunch of unicorns all with navy blue horse blankets on came out with trays.

“Here’s the food!” cried Shadow. Everyone laughed. The black unicorn started eating as soon as he got is food. Soon, we were all eating and laughing. I talked to Wish about my life. She told me all about her life as well. When we finished the apple pie, Shadow stood up. “Sandra, we are glad you have come. Let me tell you about this land. Leela’s great great great great great great grandfather found this place. He used magical unicorn powers to make sure everyone in our family has gold horns. No other unicorns have gold horns. Then he called the other unicorns and told them about this land.” said Shadow. Shimmer nodded. “Only certain girls know about this. You, Stella, and a girl named Imogen can come to this land.” she added. I thought about this. It was confusing, but cool. Wish looked out the window. I looked at the unicorns that were cropping grass. Some unicorns though, were walking towards houses made of clouds. The sky was darkening. Wish shook her head. “I should take Sandra home. I also need to go to the wishing star right now.” Wish said. I climbed onto Wish. We flew to my house. Wish turned invisible for a moment and then she flew away, in sight. I waved.
I whipped around and saw a girl on a pegasus flying away. I gasped. Oh no! I reached in my pocket and found a key and a ball with a keyhole. A note was written on the ball.

Dear Sandra,

When you come back tomorrow, stick the key in the ball and turn it. It will take you to Unicorn Land.

Lots of Nickers,


Dear Readers,
I am afraid The Land of the Unicorns- A Secret Land ends here. Look out for the next story: The Land of the Unicorns- Just Trust Me. Hope you liked the story! By the way this whole thing is 1,122 words long!