
May Story Contest

Born Free As The Wind
By: famoushorse101

Age: 10

Running wild
As we have for countless years
Stopping only to graze
With our magnificent leader
Our stallion
Always leading
Always knowing
Always trusting
Born free as the wind
And yet our lead mare
Her shining coat
Her soothing stride
Born free as the wind
And of course
Who could forget
The foals
With their spindly legs
And also
Born free as the wind
The herd
Yet so strong
Yet so weak
Strong enough to fight
But yet so weak
As not to be able
To battle the humans
With their weapons
Not many animals can
But the humans
Aren't born free as the wind
*******POET'S NOTE**********
I don't know what inspired me to write this really.  I was bored and felt like writing, so I just wrote it. I hope you like it. And also,  I have included a phrase.  This is the phrase: Never let yourself be held back; always be free willed.