April 2009 Story Contest

Healing Pony by horse grl

I was 10 when I got my first broke pony an appaloosa rescue I knew she needed me and I needed her I had been attacked when I was 6 and again when I was 9 I was hurting and so was she we healed together and although she had a bad past she was willing to love and care for me.

She had been neglected at the age of 25 we knew she was old and wise and she was I loved her rode her every moment possible. She was faithful and took care of the yearlings. We both needed some kind of help her with learning to trust more people than me and me learning to love and not Hate the world. When I fell of she would turn as to say what are you doing down there? I'd brush the dirt off and get right back on.

But one day she was rolling with colic I was learning so much with her I used my Horse Camp money to pay for Dixie's Surgery and she was ok but it made me realize she's 28 now she could die I couldn’t bear it but then my family hit money problems and we needed to move to Tennessee and Dixie Seemed to be to old to move from Florida To Tennessee so a family at my mom's work offered to take her. It broke my heart to see them take my pony away I learned to love people and there went my pride and joy

But ...................

This story has a happy ending !!!!!!!!!!!!! Dixie was with foals she took care of those foals like they were her own I hope I will come across a pony as good as Dixie one day but I'm satisfied with memories for now!

I hope this story inspires you live life it can end in an instant