
March Story Contest

Truly What's Wrong
By: Tjacko3

*Sits next to Anna* 
“Hey Anna!” said Jessica.
“Hey Jess”, said Anna.
“Anna what’s wrong?” Ask Jessica.
“Truly been acting weird” Said Anna.

*Looks at her in shocked*

“Jess. Jessica!” Said Anna
“What Sorry” Said Jessica
After School they head over to Anna’s House to see Truly
“Truly what’s wrong boy?” Ask Jessica
He whinnies to me softly
 “Maybe we should go riding!” Said Jessica
“Yeah!” Said Anna
After grooming and tacking up and mounting
“Where should we go?” Ask Anna
“Maybe on the short trail” Said Jessica
“Ok” Said Anna

After the ride they un-tacked there horses and put them in the pasture
“I have to go Anna. Bye” Said Jessica
“Bye Jessica” Said Anna

The next day...
“Jessica!” Yelled her mom
“What!” Yelled Jessica
“Where going to see Truly!” Yelled her mom
“I’m coming!” Yelled Jessica
At Anna’s house

“Is Truly Ok?” Ask Jessica.
“Yes he is Ok” Said Anna.
“Do you think he is Lonely?” Ask Jessica.

“Yes I think he is” Said Anna
“Anna can I move truly next to Oops?” Ask Jessica
“Yes you can Jess” Said Anna
They move him next Oops and he looks happier
“Thanks Anna!” Said Jessica
“Your welcome Jess!” Said Anna

Find out what happens when Jessica has to move to L.A.!