
March Story Contest

My Talking Horse Encounter- Part 1
By: SkittlesTG

Age: 14

I opened my eyes. It was dark, and I couldn't see a thing. 'Where am I?' I wondered.
The sound of water dripping was all that I could hear. Well, that and my own heartbeat. I felt around with my hands, untill I hit a sharp rock that sliced through my right palm. I yelped, and the echo sounded throughout what I now realized was a cavern.
I felt around some more, making sure that I didn't run into any more jagged rocks. My legs where numb and I couldn't feel them. I shivered. It was definately cold in here.
Suddenly, I saw a light in the distance. It came closer... and closer... untill finally I could see who was holding it.
It was a boy that looked about my age. He had short brown hair, bold grey eyes, and a face with strong features. He was riding a big palomino mare with kind eyes. "Are you in need of assistance?"
I raised an eyebrow. This dude talked weirdly. "Uhh yeah, you could say that."
With one arm he held a lantern, and the other he stretched out to me.
I akwardly took his hand, and he pulled me up onto his horse.
"Who are you?" I finally blurted out once we had started through the cavern.
"My name is Edmund Barker. And you, Ms ...?"
Miss? Okay, now this guy was totally wacko. "Jennifer McKenzie; call me Jen."
Edmund nodded with a smile. "Then you can call me Ed."
I smiled back. "Alright then, Ed. First thing's first. Where am I? What is going on?"
"Well you're in Prynyalli. And there's a war going on between the Humans, Dryads, Dragons, Horses, and the Unicorns, Pegasuses, and Dwarfs." Ed said, as calmly as he might have been telling me that it was going to rain tomorrow.
"Whoa whoa whoa! Dryads and Dragons!?! Those aren't even real." I said rather loudly.
Ed's mare suddenly started to canter. Funny, I hadn't felt him nudge her at all.
Now it was Ed's turn to think that someone here was a weirdo. "Yes, they are real. Where have you been living all your life?"
"In Canada. On Earth." I said sarcastically. "Where do you think I'm from?"
"I figured you where from the Prynyalli territory. I've never heard of Canada, or Earth." a female voice said.
I gulped. Unless Ed had over gone a major voice change, or the horse had just spoken...