The Pony Pals & The Horse Show
By: Hope
Age: 12

The CPP Story Club
The pony pals were on a team at a horse show and where ready to get off they had just pulled up in the trailer and were unloading. Hope unloaded her quarter horse, Thoroughbred, Palomino, Gold dust. (GD for short) She hugged her.
"Let’s do this!" she said.
“Well girls you are looking good this year and I hope you win.” Said Mrs. Crandal.
The pony pals team was Pam ,Anna ,Lulu, Spellcheck ,Hope, Chillycat, Amanda Ellen and Chelsea2. Pam led Lightening down and said “I hope so too mom I and Lightening have worked hard.”
“And I really like our theme since this is breast cancer awareness month.” Said Chelsea2 giving her pony Frosty a loving pat.
The pony pals had decided to do a cancer theme and have their pony’s have pink saddle pads with the breast cancer sign on it and then pink ribbons in their hair.
“When do we start?” asked Spell
“In about 3 hours.” Said Mrs. Crandal (Who the girls called JC) “Here is a list of events.” Said JC handing them a paper. “YES!” said Chilly cat “Reigning first!”
“Then jumping!” said Anna
“Yes!” shouted Lulu, “Snow white is READY!”
After getting themselves and the horses ready, the girls led the horses to the arena and then they stopped there was the other team.
“They look good.” whispered Amanda.
“They sure do!” said Lulu.
“That’s not going to stop us though!” said Chelsea.
“Your right Chel!” said Hope “We are the ponypals!”
“Let’s get some practice in.” said Spell.
The mounted their horses and rode one by one in the arena all the other team stared at them as they walked in. One girl on a tall chestnut horse rode over to them
“Hi, I’m Emma.” she said, “And you must be the other team.” She said in a smart stuck up voice.
“Yes we are.” Said Pam “We are from the town Wiggins and I’m Pam Crandal.”
“Oh we are from California.” Said Emma “We have not lost any show we have entered we are sure this one will be the same.”
“Oh?” said Lulu “Give it all you got our you might be sorry!”
“Oh I don’t think it will be that hard,Bye!” said Emma with a wave of her hand.
“UGH!” said Hope “That’s what I call stuck up!”
“More like snobby!” said Anna
“Well lets practice reigning!” said Chelsea.
“Yes and forget about them!” said Amanda.
The pony pals were worried they had not even did the show and they had not even done a class yet and they felt like they had lost! A hour later it was class time and the other team went first they where team one. The team scored 88 of 100 points. It was Amanda who went first then Pam, Lulu, Hope, Chel, Spell and last Anna. She needed to do it perfect for them to beat the other team!
“Oh no!” said Pam “This is not her best thing!”
Anna went into the ring and started she was doing fine and the last coming.
“I can’t watch!” cried Amanda.