
February Story Contest

My Spanish Horse Adventures: My First Ride! 
By: Ging
Age: 12

It was a warm, sunny day, the typical Southern Spanish weather in December. I (Rosa) was dozing in a deckchair in our garden. My sisters (yes I have a HUGE family,) were either sprawling on the grass texting or playing dolls. I'd better give you a run through of my family. We aren't Spanish , were Swedish, all of my family ( except me) are blonde, blue-eyed and extremely Scandinavian-looking. Even though they are my family, I am brunette, have brown eyes and look Asian (mama says I get it from grandma)

Anyway, here are the names of my sisters from oldest to youngest ( we were borne scarcely a year apart, how embarrassing is that? ) Sisters:  India  ( 16 )  , Shallotte ( 15 ), Indigo ( 14 ), Reanna  ( 13 ), Isadora ( 12 ) Rosa ( me! 11) , Xenia ( 10 ) , the twins Janie and Judie ( 9 )and then our youngest sister Pansy ( 8 ). My mom is Hyacinth ( weird name! ) and my dad is Laurence. We live in Valencia, Spain.

Enough about the boring old biography! Lets get down to some interesting stuff. My older sisters, India, Shallotte, Indigo and Reanna (except Isadora who funny enough , likes surfing and jelly beans) like stuff like bikinis, makeup, iphones, magazines, skimpy tops and stuff like that, my younger sisters (except Xenia who likes dancing hip-hop at fiestas) are hooked on Barbies , Polly Pockets and Bratz dolls , I like non of these things. I love HORSES. They are my world!  When we see the Andalusian horses at fiestas I practically go mad with excitement! My side of the shared bedroom with Isadora is pasted full to the brim with horse posters and my own ( not very good ) drawings. 

Back to the story, I was dozing in the Spanish heat while Reanna was texting in an incredibly skimpy top on her brand-new iphone. Stab Stab stab went her fingers on the buttons. I leant over to read the text....... nice try Darr............ that was all I saw because Reanna  turned her back on me  angrily saying
'For goodness sake Rosa! mind your own business!' , So I scrabbled out of my arm chair and went over to help Pansy untie a knot in her Barbie's hair.

That evening on our large table ( with 12 people in a family you need a large table) we were eating a dinner of olives, roast potato with a paprika sauce and chicken satay , dad said "So as you know girls next week is Dia de la constitucion ( Spanish Constitution Day)  , so each of you can do anything of your choice, as long as it isn't too outrageous", he said shooting  Indigo a dignified look ( she had once almost bought the whole family a combo trip to Fiji with his credit card, costing 900,000 Euros.)
Yessssssssssss! Finally!

After dinner that night I crept after my dad into his study
"Dad, for Dia de la constitucion, can I well, have a riding lesson?" "A riding lesson Rosa? Are you serious? Well if your sure, I suppose its ok then".
Hurrah! My dreams will FINALLY come true, that night I was soooooo happy , I didn't even complain when Isadora sang "Away In A Manger " while having a shower. The next day School, I got dressed in maximum time and after shaking a grouchy Isadora awake I ran down stairs slamming into Xenia who was arguing heavily with mom because she wouldn't let Xenia's friend Lekkasie  sleepover. One-by-one the whole family trudged down stars their blonde hair ruffled and messy. My black hair was even messier because I spent half the night tossing and turning with excitement.

"So girls, our dad said over his morning herbal tea, what do you want to do for Dia de la Constitucion ?"
India: Go to the mall and get the nice outfit in Filice and CabaƱa!
Shallotte: Spend the evening at Lorenz's house!
Indigo : Buy a new iPod touch and visit Maiyilads for the new high-heels there!
Reanna: Buy more lip-gloss, eyeliner, blusher, mascara and the new Teen Caleros magazine!
Isadora: Go surfing in Madrid!
Me: Go Horse riding!!!!!!
Xenia: Visit the Museum de la Columbus! 
Janie: Watch Cinderella Two at home with Judie
Judie: Watch Cinderella Two at home with Janie
Pansy: Get the new Barbie doll at the shop!

"Oh right! I'll try my best! Issie, maybe Madrid isn't an option but here the waves are ok aren't they? You older girlies obviously want me to spend a lot of money on make-up but since its a special day I will! Hyacinth anything you want?"

"No that's fine I'll just help you drive the girls off to where they want to go although a nice Amethyst ring would be nice.......'"
So after writing this all down dad sipped his tea while we ate our rice and fish with soy sauce. Crunch! The bus was here me and my sisters ran out the door and hopped on. All through the day, I sat willing tomorrow to hurry up and arrive. Finally it did. 

I dressed in my jeans, with Shallotte's help I French Braided my hair and peeped over Reanna's shoulder to read the texts: So fun ya i'll CU there, at 4 o'clock rite :D <3 ?
Reanna replied: lol ya bet, cu at da clothes store @ 4? lol :P!

I'm always amazed at how they can write with so many obvious spelling mistakes, even though India tells me its called Text speech. Skip the yelling Reanna gave me when she found out I was reading her texts, skip the part where Pansy threw a strop because mom wouldn't let her wear her princess dress to the shop. Play the part where dad drove me to the riding place.

"Morning", the owner said as we walked in, 'how may I help you?'
"This is Rosa , my daughter, she is booked in for a beginners lesson at 11:30".
"Yes, come with me", she said leading me into the stable and up to the stall of a pretty brown pony with perky little ears. The owner introduced herself as Suzette. 
"This is Pachilito, Pachi for short, your lesson pony, he is a Sorraia pony'. I reached out and Pachi snuffled my hand.
'He's so sweet!' I gasped .
Suzette smiled and said ' well what are you waiting for its 11:30 and he's already tacked up so lets ride!'. It was the best thing in my life Pachi was the sweetest thing ever and Suzette was the best teacher. I learned to walk, trot turn left and right, canter and trot over poles in my first ever lesson! I even jumped a log in the field when Pachi got excited. After my first lesson I continued to ride whenever I could on Pachi, then Sarilia, then Dehisces and finally I became so good, I got my own pony Theresa, a Lovely  sandy-dun mare who could jump so high and was almost as fast as the wind, but that is another story!

Read about how I got her and our experiences in : My Spanish Horse Adventures: My Sandy-Dun Wonder.