
February Story Contest

By: Chelsea2
Age: 12

The Rider,
She asks, and does not tell,
She is smart, and easy to trust,
She is brave, when I am scared,
The best, for she loves a horse,
And leader,
For she is all of that.

And me,
A Horse,
Trusting my rider, and loving her too,
Nice and sweet to every one who I see,
I’m powerful, and strong,
As my rider says,
But not leader,

For we all get scared,
Some more then others,
Like humans take comfort in horses,
And horses in humans,
We all take comfort,
In eatch other,
Don’t be scared to show it,
We all do it.

Just take comfort in that thing,
And if they are true,
They will embrace it,
If they really love you too.