
December Story Contest

The Knight's Tale: part 2 part 1
By: Scoutgirl

Age: 11

The next Friday, Will and Henry were getting ready to joust for later that day.  Will and Henry were riding the horses they were going to use.  Henry was riding a reddish brown horse named “Fire” and Will was riding a white horse named “Lightning”.
A few minutes before the joust, Henry and Will were already on there horses waiting for things to begin. When it was time for the joust to start, Henry’s mind was thinking how much money he could make if he were to win and actually have Duke as his horse.  Will on the other hand was thinking …
“Do I really want to hurt, maybe even kill my best friend just for one good horse?”
Before he could do anything, the joust had started.  The crowd was going wild, all yelling and screaming different things.  On the first round, Henry and Will both missed each other by several inches. Both of their hearts and minds were racing. The crowd was going crazy, their lives hanging by a thread. 
Suddenly, Will got knocked off his horse and trampled by his horses four hooves. Right at that moment Henry’s horse reared up on his hind legs and bucked Henry off making his lance fly into the air!
Will was amazed he had just won! He didn’t even try to win and he did!  His chest hurt really badly from getting trampled and it made it hard to breathe.  If Will’s horse had run over him about an inch higher Will would be dead. 
Paul took care of Kyle and Duke while Will was recovering from his injuries. When Will was well again, he bought a few acres of land covered with lots of fresh green grass, and a few trees here and there, the perfect place for Duke and Kyle to live a long happy life.  They were rode daily and ended up winning races, jousts and being great horses!