
December Story Contest

Christmas Suprise Part 1
by Skyler

I'm Skyler, I am twelve years old and a freak for horses and here is a story about a little Christmas suprise i had one year and it changed my life, big time.

It started on the second Saturday of november "Morning mom" i said " what's for breakfast and where is dad?"

"He's on a business trip, and we are having bacon,grits and eggs for breakfast."

"Yes! thats my favorite"

"I thought you would like that for breakfast."

".... Hey mom i know this is out of nowhere but can i start taking horseback riding lessons?"

"Now Skyler, I don't want you around horses that you don't know, who knows one might spook and trample you"

"Please it would make a good early Christmas gift"


"Alright, well I'm going walking see you later"

That's my way of sneaking out, you tell her your going walking and she believes you and plus it wasn't all a lie i was going walking, but it was to the barn. Now before you say anything I know, you're thinking "how could she lie to her mother like that even when she doesn't want her around horses." Well i do know them i started going last year and the owner Samantha or just Sam lets me work there for free lessons. I asked my mom if i could start taking riding lessons but i am just tired of doing it in secret.

When i saw Sam she was in the stable yard planting seeds for carrots. "Hey sam how are the horses?"

"Their good how are you?"

"Oh i'm fine thanks."

"Why don't you go brush and tack up Golden Girl and Moonshine? We're going for a trail ride today"

"Awesome it will be so fun!"

So after that i went to go get Golden (Golden Girl) and Moonie's (Moonshine) grooming boc and tack, i took Golden out of her stall and put her in cross ties, then brushed her then i took her english saddle and gently placed it on her back and reached under her and grabbed the girth, (it keeps the saddle on) and secured it tightly. Finally grabbing her bridle i splipped it on her soft head and put the bit in her mouth, patting her velvety nose while putting her back in her stall temporarily so i can tack up Moonie after the whole process again i took both horses and led them out to the stable yard.

"Hey same i got the horses. Are you ready to go?

"Yea i just have to put the shovel up real quick, be right back"

After waiting about a minute or so Same came back out "alright, thanks for tacking up moonie for me." she said

"You're welcome" "Well then let's go, I'll race you to the trail."

"you're on!"

We raced off to the trail at breakneck speed, after reaching the trail we slowed down to a walk it was amazing! tree's , birds and even deer everywhere since it was early in the morning. Suddenly Moonie spooked and took off running and bucking but thankfully Sam was prepared she knew Moonie was a young horse around five years old and considering that horses get trained around 4 she was very young but Golden was around seven so she was middle aged.

After same got Moonie under control we turned around and headed back because we didn't want to get hurt. On the way back we had to cross a road it was a shortcut back to the stables sam crossed first and when she got to the other side i heard a car i realized it was my mom she must have been looking for me i turned to run and Sam got the hint when my mom stopped to ask her if she had seen me Sam said no and kept on talking until i was out of site, i motioned her to meet me at the stables and once my mom drove off i made a run for it but the second i was out of the woods my mom turned back and saw me

"Skyler! You get off that horse now!" she yelled angrily realizing she had made a mistake Moonie took off in a cloud of dust.

"Skyler help!" Sam yelled, she didn't have the reins and couldn't stop Moonie.

What will happen to Skyler and Sam? next part coming soon!