
November Story Contest

Trusting Willow part 1
By: Katie Katie

         It was a Monday morning when my mom dropped me off at Camp Ponyville.  I wanted to go to that camp my whole life.  Riding horses, swimming, and other fun camp things.  I hoped I would make friends there and be put in their cabin.
         "Alexandra Campbell, welcome to Camp Ponyville." a lady said as I exited the car and took out my bag.  I, Alex, promised myself that I would like it here.  I had never ridden at a summer camp before.  I rode once before at my friend's birthday party 2 years ago.  It wasn't real riding, though.  I had hoped of a perfect little school pony, but instead, I got put on wild Willow.  Willow was a chestnut colored mare.  I think she was a welsh pony.
         At my first riding lesson, I learned how to tack up a horse and groom one, too.  The other girls were laughing at my cowboy boots and jeans, they were wearing riding breeches, tall boots, and velvet helmets.
         "Here," Miss Lilly, my riding instructor for camp, said as she placed a black helmet on my head.  It was nothing compared to the velvet on the other girls' heads.  I wished I never signed up for Camp Ponyville.
         I walked Willow out to the mounting block.  The other girls giggled at me learning how to mount.  I took the reins and mounted with pride.  Willow was nothing compared to the horses the other campers owned.  Their horses we European and expensive.  I didn't care.  I knew I was going to be better riders then them all.
         At dinner that night, a girl named Katie offered to sit next to me.  I told her she could and we talked and laughed.  I knew I had one friend.  I then noticed she was wearing jeans, like me, but she had paddock boots and half chaps, not cowboy boots. 
        "Am I the only person in the camp that has never ridden before?" I asked.
        "No, you are the only person in the girls' group number one that has never ridden before." she replied.  We ended up finding ourselves in the same cabin, picking our bunks.  I was on the top and Katie was on the bottom.  I knew Camp Ponyville was a better place then when I arrived.
         The next morning, I woke up, remembering that I was at camp and I had to get dressed for breakfast and riding group arrangements.  I tasted bacon and eggs, along with French toast and pancakes.  I heard the arrangement list for the riding groups being read out loud.  I was in group pony and Katie was in group saddle.  I wished I could trade with somebody to be in group saddle, after all, I was put in the group with the girls that make fun of me, Meggie, Didi, Kara, and Sarah.  Then had the fancy European horses and expensive tack.
         "We are stuck with Alexandra Campbell," Kara said to the others.
         "Alex is nice and just needs a riding lesson or two.  I want to be her friend." Meggie replied.
         "Hi Alex." Miss Lilly said as I walked down to the barn.
         "Hi Miss Lilly," I said politely.
         "Willow is ready.  Now go grab a helmet." She commanded.  I found a helmet that fits and I took Willow's reins as I hopped on her back.  I wondered why English riding was different from Western.  I learned how to post  a trot.  Then, I walked over a pole.  I think I was a little bit better at riding.
          About three weeks later, I sat tall on Willow's back, nervous because I was about to ride a canter.
          "Go Alex!" Meggie cheered. I didn't move.
          "Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex!" The who girls' group number one cheered.  I picked up the courage and asked Willow to canter.  I couldn't believe it.  Willow was cantering!  I was cantering!  I knew I was a better rider already.
         "Go Alex!" Katie yelled as they cheered me on.  I halted and Miss Lilly told me that I was ready.  Ready to show.  There was a show in a week I was going to do walk, trot, and canter.  Riding Willow.  I had to do it trusting Willow.

*Will Alex win blue with no problem or will she give up all hope and find herself packing.  She hears there will be tough competition. Find out next month in "Trusting Willow Part Two"