
November Story Contest

Spottie's Adventure at Apple Tree Farms
By: ilove wolves

Spottie was just grazing one fine day, when he just said, "I don't want to graze here anymore! The grass is so short I don't get about 20 bits of it per bite."
Spottie put his head up high, and said "Great. Lovely grass in my neighbor’s garden. It looks so juicy and just right for me." Spottie spotted the middle bar missing in one of the fences, so his little Shetland head could fit through to get the grass. "Yummy! This is the best grass I have ever tasted in my life." Spottie said greedily. When the neighbors children had gone to bed and the adults were in their living room, Spottie crept into their garden, to get the juiciest grass in the garden, when he saw the adults going for bed, so he ran out of their garden, into a field he didn't ever see before. Suddenly, a rat said to Spottie:
"Hey! Who are you?? My name is Squeaky, even though I am not a mouse, this field, all of it and that house is Apple tree farm. Go into the barn for now, so when the farmer comes to milk the cow, he will see you. Howdy!"
So Spottie went into the barn and found the perfect place to sleep, a pile of leaves, grass and hay.
"Well at least I’m settling down to sleep now."

The next day, Spottie woke up with a big fright. He wasn't in the barn anymore! He was in a huge house, with a very strange roof, that had hay on. In a box, in front of the fire. Spottie tried to sneak out, but his hooves always made clip clop on the tiles in the kitchen.
"Please let me out you silly humans! I need fresh air you know!" Spottie said eagerly. The farmer was called Mr. Wheat and his wife was of course, called Mrs. Wheat. Mrs. Wheat let Spottie out in the garden, which had a orchard full of apples. Spottie kept on eating the apples in the orchard, so Mr. or Mrs. Wheat shouted at him. Well when Mrs. Wheat let Spottie out, he ate most of the apples and this is what Mr. or Mrs. Wheat always said at him. 