
November Story Contest

Second Chances part 2 part 1
By: Shinabella

Isabella- Movie star
Mr. Chris- Director, Goes by the name Sir
Jane- Riding instructor   
Mrs. Marie- Lunch Lady (Name not used)
Chance- He is a 3 year old Stallion. He raced, and was not used for any flat-work.
Maylin- She is not used, She was put down do to severe pain and damage done to her leg (she was the horse Isabella was using when she was acting in PART ONE)                                                      

The Next Day

“Wake up, Dear.” I heard a voice, and I felt a hand stroking my hair. “BAH!” I yelled. I jumped up, and  crashed into the sofa. “Are you okay?” She said. “Yeah, Yeah. I'm fine. OH! Jane, sorry.” I scratched my head. “Ouch!” I said. “Yeah, Bella. You have a bump on your head. Your director is with Chance in the barn. I'm afraid he is selling him. Not today, though. He has someone looking at him after lunch. Don't worry.” Jane said. She tried to stroke my hair, but I shoved her hand away and ran out the door. “Oh boo, Chance is NOT going to be sold.”  I said to myself. I ran into the barn. I heard footsteps. ~click clack~ Boots. I ran into a stall, and looked up. “Chance!!” I said. Chance was looking down at me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. I felt weird, I had only known Chance for almost a day. ~click Clack~  “Great.” I whispered. The person, or thing, had walked out of the barn. “Lets take a ride. AWAY from here.” I said to Chance. I slipped the halter onto Chance, and a lead rope with two hooks onto it. Then I got a bareback Pad with stirrups on it, and put that on. I realized, Chance was a race horse. No wonder he had took off yesterday! I put my feet up onto the stirrup, and he moved. “Easy! Its just me.” I said. I patted his neck, and lifted myself up. “Whoa boy.” I said. I leaned over, and let the door open. ~ WING! ~ “Chance was out the door, and I was barely holding on. “EASY!” I yelled. He slowed down to a Canter, then a trot. I came up behind the cafeteria and dismounted. “Stay.” I said. I tied the reigns to a prop that was metal, and walked into the building. “Heyyyy Bella! What can I get for ya?” The lady said. “2 apples, Milk, Water, and 6 pancakes.” I smiled, pointing to everything as I went on. “Um... Okay...” She said. She got what I asked for, and I ran out to Chance. “Hold on, Let me get this in my backpack. I put everything in my bag, and slid it onto my back. “Easy...” I said, lifting my self up. I gripped the reigns, thinking he was going to bolt. But he didn't! “Good Boy!!!” I said. I heard footsteps. I  made Chance gallop, and I finally gained my balance. We ran and ran, until Chance stopped and would not move. I looked up from patting him on the neck, and realized we were about to go into the woods. “Maybe we could go somewhere else, Chan.” I said. Chan? That sounded like a good nickname for him. “Lets go, its not going to hurt to go a little further.”


Find out what happens next, in  .:Second Chances:.