
November Story Contest

Bring Me To The Old Oak Tree
By: Britnie

Age: 12

Bring me to the old Oak tree......
Where we used to spend our younger days a-free
Way then before.....
Our lives were broken far.....

Bring me to the old Oak tree.....
Where we used to stand together,
Before we were stolen,
Before we were forced,
To be among the people,
We hated the most.

Bring me to the old Oak tree....
There where we used to have fun and spend time....
That sacred place of mine,
That sacred place of yours,
Where we used to live our lives,
a day a fore,
The old Oak tree.

That place of ours,
There we spent our time,
When I wasn't working,
And you weren't gone,
We were at the old Oak tree...

Equine and human,
we seemed to understand..
How our lives were different,
And how they were the same,
Both we had to be careful,
Both were just as dangerous,
Both we had know,
What to do and when.

Bring me to the old Oak tree.