
November Story Contest

When The Wind Flies…..
By:  famoushorse101 & Seabiscuit
Age 9

Sea, the lead stallion (famoushorse101)
Anmone, the filly (chelsea2)
Black, another stallion (admin#2)
JB, yet another stallion (Jane Crandal)
Dazzle a mare (Jo-Ann)
Kat, the healer (keely)
Annie, a mare (Breanna55555)
Dakota, a filly (famoushorse101)
“Destiny awaits you…..Destiny awaits you…Destiny waits.”  Kat awoke with a start.  She believed that she just had the worst image any one could ever have.  Last night, Kat was titled Healer.  This, coming as a great honor, was rejoiced in the herd of FF.  As she excused herself away from the party to sleep in her new Healer den, a chill ran though her.  She knew that, after many years of study, a chill would mean an image that night.  “But, I’ve only just become a Healer!  Maybe the Elements have come to meet and hopefully accept me into their sacred tribe.”  Kat thought to herself.  Now, the Element, as many wise Horses would tell you are,  Wind, as power full as any, Fire, can burn up the whole world, Earth, which we tread on, And water, Carrying many food sources.  Now, as tails tell, are the master Healers of all good and bad.  Anyway, what she truly believed the dream meant, she wasn’t sure.  
 The next day, Sea rounded up all Stallions, Foals and Mares alike at the base of Strong Rock Cave.  Strong Rock Cave was where the Healer would go to sleep when they were treating the sick.  “I have an announcement to make.”  All horses looked up eagerly.  “Tonight, we feast!”  An enormous cheer went up from the small huddle of 4 legged creatures.  “Black, JB, go out fishing!  Dakota, Dazzle, go gather roots!”  The way the herd fished would be to find a shore level enough with the water to drink on, and then when they see a fish, dart out for it with their strong teeth.  
The 3 horses and filly obeyed.  
That evening, as the moon was rising, a chill went though Kat.  “Do they come every night?”  Kat wondered aloud.  Then, after checking and fully restoring the herbs, she let herself be pulled into the image.  “When the wind flies, when the fire dies, when the earth trembles, when the water ceases to exist….”  Over and over again the Elements chanted.  Kat leaped to her feet. (Err, hooves?)
She knew what all those meant.  The flying wind?  Tornado.  Water not being there?  Drought.  Earth Trembling?  Earth quake.  Now, the Fire Dies? That she wasn’t sure of.  But all those disasters?  Why were the Elements angry?  She couldn’t bear to think of Dazzle and the two fillies gone.  Or Black and JB not there to laugh and make jokes.  Or Sea, their amazing Sea.  What would they do without him??  But what about Annie?  Their beautiful Annie.  The one who keeps them all on their toes.  “No, I WON’T HAVE IT!”  Kat screamed aloud.  “Won’t have what my darling?”  Said a mysterious voice behind her.  She spun around to see a Shadow with white lips, and that was the only feature you could see.

Author’s note:  The one thing I think inspired me to do this piece would be the book I just finished,   Wolf Brother.  I Love that book!  Thanks for reading!!