
November Story Contest

Rush, Based on a True Story
by celect04 & Speckles
Age 16

Ugh, would you just hurry up!? I wanted to scream out to Anna, the girl tacking me up for my lesson. I was especially fiery today. I felt like the color of my coat. Strawberry Roan, red as can be. I’m a Quarter horse, but I felt like a mustang. I couldn’t wait to lope along! But sure enough, Anna was taking her time.

“Come on, lets get you out of these cross ties. “ She led me just to the gate of the arena. She stopped quickly, and tightened my cinch. She rode Western, as did I. Yet again, she wobbled along like a rabbit doing that as well. If only she would … Is she? Yes! She has let go of my reins!

I didn’t care what she turned around to get, I just went. I knew the property, but now, it didn’t matter. I flew across the hay-field, at a full gallop. I felt so free! The woods were coming up … oh, I’m sure footed enough, and I’ll be fine! Sweat was building, and I was getting tired. I found a bit of land to rest for a moment. Ahh, the greatness of running. The freedom, and even better, nobody on my ba- Oh my gosh! I screeched through the air! A shadow! It was coming to get me! I bolted, fear in the white ring around my eyes. I needed to get away! Fast! Just a bit farther I hope … I can’t look back... Well, just a check!

I glanced behind me, just for a minute. BAMB! I toppled over, my knees and a bit of my nose scraping the hard, forest ground. My reins had broken, and I was breathing hard. I stood slowly, just waiting for anything … anyone …

“Kona! KONA! There you are!"

Anna! She had come to rescue me! The quad rumbling came to a stop, and I heard her footsteps. And tears. She was crying. She looked at my nose and knees, and held back a yelp; I could see it in her eyes. She hugged my neck, tightly.

“I’m so glad it’s not worse … “ Her  voice trailed away. She took my tack off, placed it on the quad, tied my broken reins to the horn of the saddle, and started the quad. She drove nice and slow, being careful as not to hurt my wounds to much more. She was so sweet, Anna was. When we returned back at the stable, she washed me with cool water. It felt sooo good. She bandaged my legs, and put ointment on my nose. The rush of the day was over, and with one final hug, Anna left.  I would see her next Saturday though. And she would see me. And we would ride. And we would have fun. Just as always.