
October 2009 Poem Contest

One winner and runner-up will be selected. Read the entries, then vote for your favorite below.

1. Freedom by chlesea2 & frosty

I shall be free when my tail flies,
An eagle overhead,
Dark clouds promise the sky,
Horses around me run in circles,
I jump the fence to freedom.
I am free.

2. A Day at a Show (In the Pony's View) by obsessedgal & Chocolate

I wait in my stall, for a couple of hours;
And watch all the busy, passing young riders.
When my rider comes, we warm up and take a quick rest;
And I know no matter what happens, that we'll be doing our best.

We head into the arena, and then start to canter;
And we head to the first jump, getting closer and closer.
I push my muzzle forward, sensing excitement;
But I never bucked, enjoying the moment.


3. Remember, Remember by microphone & Black Mist

Remember, remember,
The horses for-ever.
The ones that are lost to life’s plot,
I know of no reason
why the horses we’ve lost,
should ever be forgot!


4. into the trees by microphone & Black Mist

Across the plains we run,
Over the mountains and down to the stream.
A band stallion is waiting there,
his mares and foals playing,
So we wait until they finish,
then hurry down to drink.
Our bellies full we head back up,
and disappear into the trees.

5. Silver by PicassoGirl & Picasso

In a land that’s always green
A silver flash was always seen, 
In the black of night, when everywhere is dark
There’s no sound, except for the lark.
  The silver blur rips though the night,
It’s a horse, an amazing sight.
  He was Silver, he bravest horse in the land,
Everyone knew of him, from wildlife to man.
  He used to gambol on the soft, springy grass,
And those who saw him, bowed down as he passed.
  Man was willing to bring him in
To break him and teach him to be tame
  But no matter how fast their steeds were,
They could never catch Silver, who’s like a spur,
  He whipped through the tall grass, no man around,
In fact he never heard a single little sound.  
But as he pranced, he herd a rumble,
Like Silver he was, that meant trouble.
  He changed with the speed of light
Not with joy, but full of fright.
  Then he stopped and looked around,
Only rain and puddles and mist was abound.
  He gave a great whinny, then was on the run,
But he knew what was about to come.
  A crack of thunder, and lighting came,
Since then, old Silver….  Was never seen again.



6. What am I? By keely & Bicentenial

I am tough, I am hardy, I live in Poland, What am I?
I am dun, I have a dorsal stripe, I am primitive, What am I?

I am small, I live in wetlands, I appear a blue color, What am I?
I am a Konik Pony, Who lives upon Poland’s moors, I run free un-harnessed, I am a Konik Pony.

7. On a hill by keely & Bicentenial

On a hill not faraway stood an old, abused, broken horse,
The emblem of suffering and shame,
And I love that old horse,

For my life was put down.
So I’ll cherish the old horse,
‘Till my trophies at last I lay down,
I will cling to memories,
And exchange it for nothing!
O, that old broken horse so despised by the world,
Has a wondrous attraction for me,
For dear horse came to me,
To give me joy and love!
So I’ll cherish the old horse,
‘Till my trophies at last I lay down,
I will cling to memories,
And exchange it for nothing!


8. Born Free  As The Wind by famoushorse101  

Running wild
As we have for countless years
Stopping only to graze
With our magnificent leader
Our stallion
Always leading
Always knowing
Always trusting
Born free as the wind
And yet our lead mare
Her shining coat
Her soothing stride
Born free as the wind
And of course
Who could forget
The foals
With their spindly legs
And also
Born free as the wind
The herd
Yet so strong
Yet so weak
Strong enough to fight
But yet so weak
As not to be able
To battle the humans
With their weapons
Not many animals can
But the humans
Aren't born free as the wind