
October Story Contest

Absolutely Horse Crazy Book#1: The Horse of Love pt 2 part 1
By: Fluffy23
Age: 10

Chapter Nine

Finally they got to Silver Bell town Westerns Street 43 A; they walked with their horses ,tied them to the hitching post and went straight for the Mr. and Mrs. Angora’s house.

It was a big mansion with a practice ring and stables with horses in them at the back. The mansion was painted light yellow colour which was rather quite elegant. The roof top was made out of dark blue tiles which shone out in the sunlight. The stables were painted rustic blonde colour and the practice ring was painted white. The windows has tiny little diamonds filling the outside of the windows, the curtains were pink coloured with white flowers on it. 
Rosy was fairly amazed by the designed and decided to ring the doorbell, when a sound of a nightingale singing which was the sound of the doorbell came through the speaker.

Just then a girl walked into the front steps. She was wearing a flower dress with a diamond bow on. She had a butterfly clip on her blonde curly hair. The minute Rosy saw her she knew it was Hope.
“You must go really.” said Hope. “My pa and ma do not wish to see anyone right now and neither do I,” she continues as she twirled her curly hair.
“No, Hope I know you well sort of, I’m Rosy the old and going to be new owner of Star. I figure it was you from your letter.” Rosy said as her Aunt handed her Star. “It is that Star, I thought she would not survive… I guess I was wrong at all time. Please you must go. It is not what you think and yes you can have Star but you must go right now.” Hope said with her gentle soothing voice.
“You don’t understand, I want to buy her from you as mean give money, I loved her all my life and want to buy her with money.” Rosy said. 

Chapter Ten

The next thing Rosy noticed was she was in a huge living room with a television which looks like a movie screen in the middle. There was a big chandelier on the wall and it shone on to the windows to make a sudden sparkling flash of light. There was a man and woman sitting face to face on the wooden chairs.
The woman had blonde hair with a diamond clip that holds it into a bun. She was wearing a sleeveless green dress and had a kind, friendly face. The man had a combed neat hair which was dark golden and had a mustache which was rather quiet used to even if you walked in a second ago.
Hope ran over to her parents and talked to them about Rosy, her aunt and Star.
“Rosy and Aunt Miller, these are my parents, ma‘s name is Claire Almond and pa’s name is Arthur Almond. Ma and pa this is Rosy Monte the wanted buyer of Star and Aunt Miller who is Rosy Monte’s aunt.
”Hope said as she ran towards the kitchen to grab some drinks.
Rosy and Aunt Miller sat down at the dining room while Hope and her parents sat down face to face to them.

“Rosy darling you must understand that Star is a wonderful horse but she’s not good at anything and only good for savage so do you want to return her or as Hope said buy her? By the way why do you want to buy her? A girl like you need a better horse.” said Mrs Almond. ”Here’s the story, well when I was at Winter Creek Stables,  I always rode Star and she was such a sweetheart, but then one day I had a bad fall on her and Ms Wesley said she would be put up for sale or swap. I never gave up hope for the mare and then I found her and these.”
Rosy said as one tear by one rolled down onto the letter and the news paper as she handed them to the Almond family. 
“Hope… we’ll deal with you later, but can you fetch Star for me Rosy darling?” said Mrs Almond.
Rosy ran towards the hitching post, her feet were barely touching the dusty ground as she was waiting to see Star since the start of the trip to Silver Bell town. It was before five minutes until she go to the hitching post. She walked with Star and left Wind on the hitching post with a hand full of oats. Star’s black coat shone out into the sun as Rosy took her to the front door.
“Rosy bring her into the stables, it’s in the back dear.” Mr Almond said. “Alright, it wouldn’t be a problem at all for me or Star.” Rosy said as she giggled, that was the first time she laughed or giggled since she arrived to Red Rose City.

“Follow me, it is a very easy way to the stables but also very eye catching for new comers.” Hope said as she slid into the side of the mansion.  Rosy followed Hope as she patted Star and talked to her in a soothing voice.
The stable was bigger than Rosy thought and horses of all kind were in the ring practicing with their masters.

“Let’s discuss this okay dear, we can trade you with one of our fine horses for Star, or you’ll have to pay quite big like say eight hundred or more, I’m sure I’ll swap her.”
Mr Almond said as he brought out a Arabian horse which was a gelding with a white coat. 
“Swap her again? Star, I don’t mean to be rude but I’m sorry… it’s just that… excuse me I need a moment.” Rosy said as she ran towards the horse trailer with tears rolling on to her shirt.

Chapter Eleven

Rosy went into the corner of the horse trailer where there was a little bench that Aunt Miller put in a while ago for herself or someone to sit while they put in their horses or took them out.
"Are you okay Rosy? I know how it felt because pa and ma wanted me to swap my first horse Dapple the Paint Horse mare to a fine thoroughbred mare named Winter Breeze. Star is a Frisian is not she? I can tell that she is in fine hands.”
Hope said as she smiled at Rosy. Rosy was listening very close. Hope continued “I was six that time and I loved Dapple with my life, she was a champion in real life and also my mind but like I said, pa and ma swapped her.

I wanted to tell them that I would just like Dapple but I could not argue for their kindness and respect for me.  I always had a picture of Dapple on my bedroom wall”
The slow airy wind rushed through her hair. Her tears were following the direction of the wind which made each drop dropped on to the hard metal ground and make a soft“ cling ,clang, cling, clang” .

Rosy felt sorry for Hope when she quickly thought about Star and her own tears brought her crying but she stopped and took a look when she heard steps.
Hope shivered and Rosy’s teeth chattered. The steps they were closer and closer.
“Come on girls, we have to make a decision… it’s up to you Rosy.” Aunt Miller said as she gave a smiled. Rosy and Hope let out a breath and signed.

Chapter Twelve

Rosy and Hope was inside the mansion. Rosy chewed on her nails like they were soft sweet candies. Hope was nervous too, she didn’t want Star to be sell for savage but she wanted Star to have a good life with a great owner that the mare had known her whole life and Hope knew Rosy was the one, the true owner of Star.

“Rosy, you have two options… either swap or buy… but if you buy you have to have an auction and there are people who want a horse.” said Mr Almond. “Pa! Auction, it is not fair to put up Star for an auction when here we have Rosy…” Hope stopped talking when Mr Almond signaled to stop. “That is quite enough Hope and Rosy would you like to have a chance to say the first number at the auction?” said Mr Almond.
Rosy nodded, she wasn’t feeling like answering and all she could do now is just say yes, it’s the only way to have Star.
Mrs Almond brought up a jar of lemonade. It was a sweet sour and refreshing taste but in Rosy’s mouth, it was anything but blur and dull.
They drove back from the mansion. “Rosy, we will, we will get you Star.” Aunt Miller said as she squeezed Rosy’s hand.

They drove and drove until they got back to Red Rose City.
“It’s going to be a long day tomorrow so you have to eat and go straight to bed Rosy.” Aunt Miller said as she gave Rosy the mash potato. “Okay… I hate to go to an auction with an empty stomach.” Rosy said as she digs into her bowl of mash potato.