
October Story Contest

A Quiet Strength
By: CMPequestrian

There was something about the horses quiet strength that was very comforting. She just stood there. Not assessing or judging, just calmly looking at me.

I could hear her steady breath, so relaxed and soft.  When I rested my head against her shoulder I could hear her heartbeat, like a ticking clock, constant and firm.

I looked at her shining chestnut coat, like a brand new copper penny.  Her nostrils flared, making her look confident and agile, like she was alert, and not scared of anything.

Her large eyes were trusting, just looking into them made me feel at peace with the world.  It felt like she was telling me everything was going to be okay.

She carried herself proudly, yet not with arrogance.  her head was held high, her mane blowing in the slight breeze, and her tail flicking back and forth.

Just being close to her made me feel like a whole new person.  I forgot about everything.  Nothing mattered.  At that moment, every little thing was perfect.