
October Story Contest

The Moving Skeleton, a Halloween Story
by microphone & Black Mist age 12

             “Mmm… Pumpkin pie!” said my friend as we walked through the kitchen door into my house. “Yes, but it’s for later. For now I want to show you my new breyers!” I led her upstairs and to the left. My room was tidy (very unusual) and my breyers were displayed on a shelf. “Oh wow! These are all new?” “Every single one! That one’s Dandy, over there is Caramel, Fudge, Mulberry, Uni, Magic, Hornet and Claw. Oh! And here’s Silver.” I carefully took a silver horse off the shelf. “She’s a Breyerfest Special run.” I said proudly. My friend gawked and stared in awe. “I am sooo jealous of you!” She finally screamed. “Can we play with them?” She asked. “Yeah, but dinner’s in ten minutes.”

            Jessie really wanted Silver, but I had to play with her since she was a special run and I wanted to be especially careful with her. So she chose Uni, Caramel, Dandy, Claw and Mulberry and I got Silver, Fudge, Hornet and Magic. “I sure hope Mom calls us soon.” I said, my stomach growling its accent. “Girls? Ready for dinner?” “Yes Mom!” I called. “See, I told you we’d only have ten minutes. At least we have all night.” We tromped downstairs and headed for the dining room. “Does your mom always cook feasts?” “Yep, I never go hungry.” My Mom had laid out a huge chicken on the table. “What would you girls like to drink? We have soda, juice, water, milk.” “I’ll have some soda please, Mrs. Waters. Do you have Dr. Pepper?” “Yes dear. Sara?” “Dr. Pepper please.”

            After the delicious dinner of chicken and roast potatoes, Jessie and I went up to play Breyers. Silver was gorgeous. After playing a game with the herd of horses, Jessie and I went downstairs to ask my mother if we could have pumpkin pie. “Yes of course dears. Whipped cream?” I said no thanks, but Jessie said, “Sure, I love whipped cream, I mean, uh, yes please!”

            “Mmm! This pie is delicious!” I exclaimed. Jessie and I had eaten two pieces already. “Now for the ice-cream!” My mother exclaimed. She brought out two boxes of ice-cream. “Chocolate or Vanilla?” “Uh, I’d like chocolate please,” said Jessie. “You know what I would like mom, Vanilla.” She fixed me with a hard stare. I sighed.
“P-leeeaaase.” After a serving of ice-cream, we went upstairs to get Jessie settled. I pulled a sleeping bag down. “How many pillows?” I asked. “Just one please.” I pulled down one and another blanket (it was cold at night) and laid them on my bedroom floor. “Sorry I don’t have bunk-beds.” I said, knowing she did. “That’s okay, Kate doesn’t have them either.” I knew Kate Rogers. She was our other friend, but she didn’t, couldn’t, or wouldn’t come to my sleep over. “Well, at least we have more Breyers each,” I said, pulling my PJ shirt over my head. “Yeah, but I still would’ve liked her to come,” Jessie said, pulling hers on too. Fully dressed I headed for the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and my long, golden brown hair and tied it successfully into a ponytail. Jessie followed, tying her black hair into a scruffy one.

            That night I had dreams.

I was watching a black night sky with no stars or moon to light the night. Suddenly, a nicker made me look down, straight into the gaze of a silvery mare. Her soft, brown eyes looked serious. A black stallion with an orange mane and tail and hooves came up beside her. “Who are you?” I asked, bewildered. “I am the Stars, and this is Halloween. Easter, Valentino, Thanks, Christmas, and Birthday are all behind us, hiding in the dark.” “But why have you come?” I asked, even more bewildered. “Because, we want to warn you. Halloween, explain.” The black horse with the orange mane and tail came up. “I want to warn you that if you go treat-or-treating with your horse, it will turn out to be a very spooky Halloween indeed. Bad things will happen. People could get hurt. You MUST NOT go trick-or-treating this Halloween!” “Are you crazy? I love trick or treating! My costume – my Mom worked really hard on it!” “I’m warning you, don’t!”

And then I woke up…

The next day was Halloween. When evening came, Jessie came over, dressed in a wonderful costume! She was Athena, riding her golden palomino mare, Chessy. “Awesome!” I said. I was Hera, riding my palomino gelding, Saliver. “But remember, we have to pretend to argue.”

            The costume contest was a blast. Jessie and I won first place as ‘Arguing Sisters’. Then we cantered off together to trick or treat. Mostly we walked our horses, but sometimes rode them along long stretches of road where no one was open. And then we neared the haunted house. Lots of people were open around here, so we dismounted and walked our horses. “Trick or treat!” We called as we knocked on doors. One houses door was open, and inside was dark. “Hello? Anyone home? Your door is open!” I called inside. Then suddenly, a skeleton came round the door. “I know it’s open. And this is why!” He leapt at me. I dived out of the way. Jessie helped me up quickly and we scrambled onto Chessy and Saliver. We turned them and kicked them four times, the signal to gallop. They didn’t gallop much, but they were really fast.  But the skeleton had jumped on the life-size skeletal horse and started chasing us. More skeletons were following us now. I suddenly realized that Jessie wasn’t with me. I couldn’t worry right now. I felt a hand grip my shoulder. I screamed….....

            “Sara! Wake up!” I opened my eyes and gasped. “Ah! Oh, its you...” “Sara, what happened?” “Just a bad dream about Halloween.” Jessie and I went downstairs to breakfast and as we settled at the table, I could swear I saw our skeleton in the front yard move...



Hope you enjoyed it! Just a creepy Halloween story, seeing that it was Halloween this last Saturday! Thanks for reading. I love writing. Thank you and Happy Halloween!