
January Story Contest

Determined Delia

By Sorris & Stoney

Age 12


           Brea held the firm, leathery reins in her right hand as she breathed out. She was dressed in a black coat with a white shirt under. Black boots stretched up to her knees, and a fat helmet rested gently on her braided head.

           “I’m nervous, Lucy.” Brea said to Lucy, her friend.

           “Delia has done this before.” Lucy the blonde nodded to the dark grey pony. “She has even beat death.”

           “But this is Pony Finals…” Brea breathed. Indeed, she was at pony Finals, one of the biggest shows around. It was hard to qualify, and there were countless entries in each class.

           “So?” Lucy asked, shrugging. “Take it like any other show. Determination is key!”

           “We have been through so much.” Brea replied, liking the idea. “We have gone through it all, and backing down now would be horrible.”

           Brea then tilted her head, and in her ten minutes until her class, thought of everything she and Delia has been through.


It was a cloudy day, dull and lifeless. The blue sky and sun were nowhere to be seen. The only thing visible was the landscape, and two figures who walked along a dirt road. They passed farms and riding rings, where horses and ponies trained to be top.

“I hate the beginning of winter.” A voice sighed. The other girl, Brea, grunted.

“It’s so cold and solemn. I wish everyday was spring!” Lucy spun around then landed in a heap on cold grass along the trail.

“Oh my gosh.” She gasped as she turned her head to one side.

“What?” Brea asked, jumping and looking, trying to find something.

Lucy opened her mouth in disgust. “That pony! We have to help her!”

Lucy leaped to her feet and sprinted down the road, Brea at her heels.

A dark dapple grey welsh mare lay in a heap in a field, barbed wire wrapped around one of her dainty legs.

Brea yelped and slowly walked to her side, not trying to scare the beautiful pony. She sat beside the pony and held her head in her arms.

“I’ll get help!” Lucy said, seriously.


“We were getting that pasture torn down next week.” A woman’s voice sounded from inside a giant barn, full of horses.

           Lucy and Brea looked at their feet, and then glanced at the pony laying in her fresh clean stall.

           “This is Delia.” The woman started. “We were training her to be in Pony Finals, but those chances seem slim now.”

           “She can make it.” Brea stated. “I know she can!”

           “Even if she can,” the woman shook her head. “I don’t have a rider!”

           “I ride horses.” Brea tilted her head. “But never competitively.”

Lucy smiled and looked at Brea, then the lady. “I’m a groom. I’m no good at riding.”

“Everyone has their talents.” The woman sighed. “Alright, you can ride her if she’s better. But make it up by helping every day, ok?”

“Of course!” The girls said in unison.


“Walk Delia to the end of the ring and back.” The vet decided as she handed a lead rope to Brea.

“Of course.” Brea decided as she gave a gentle tug.

Delia sniffed Brea nervously, and then warily took a few steps forward. She put most of her weight on her good kegs, and walking was slow. But she could.

Walking to the end of the ring seemed to take forever. But it included a connection between rider and horse, Brea and Delia.

As they reached the end, Brea gave the sweet Delia a pat. The mare responded by nickering and rubbing her dainty head against Brea. Brea laughed then pulled Delia forward again, this time she seemed stronger.

As they finished, the vet smiled. “She can be ridden again.”


Brea asked Delia for a trot as they circled around the ring. The mare put her head down like a hunter she was, and gracefully reached out and pointed her toes.

“She looks great.” Lucy whispered to the lady.

Brea gave Delia a pat, this being her seventh time riding the great pony. She tapped her heels against Delia’s side, and the pony moved into a smooth canter.

Brea smiled. She had never ridden a horse so wonderful, so graceful and elegant.

“What’s her show name?” Lucy asked the lady loudly. The lady smiled.

“Only in Silver.” The lady grinned broadly. “Everyone at the barn adores her gorgeous color, so it fits.”

Delia’s head shot up at her rarely used name. She was a stunning dark dapple grey. Her dapples were in a perfect star pattern, and at her face it cleared to white.

Brea pointed Delia to a big jump, her first jump in a long time. Delia adjusted her stride, then took off perfectly. She tucked her legs neatly under her chest and put her head down.

“She’s ready.” Brea breathed.


The new sky fluttered to life from the dawn of a new day. Many horses and ponies gathered for a horse show. Among the group was Brea and Delia.

“I hope we do well.” Brea groaned as she grabbed her nervous stomach. She didn’t have any breakfast, she was too excited and nervous.

“Your up.” The lady told Brea, giving her a pat on the back. Brea breathed in and out.

Brea’s stomach flew as she pressed Delia to a trot in the arena.

All eyes were on Brea as she finally pressed Delia into a canter and pointed her to a jump. Delia took it with ease, along with the rest of her jumps.

Almost as it had started, the course ended and Brea exited the ring. She breathed out and smiled.

Not long after, a blue ribbon was placed delicately on Delia’s bridle. The pony perked her ears, knowing what she did. She knew what was going on.


Delia had raked up enough points to qualify for Pony Finals, so off she went.

Brea groaned out loud as she entered the arena. She sighed and pressed Delia into a flowing canter.

“Only in Silver ridden by Brea Storme.” The announcer spoke.

Brea went over the first jump easy. That one was for life and death.

She went over the next, for perseverance. Something Delia had so much of.

The next was for heart. Brea and Delia never gave up.

As Delia approached the next jump, this last one was for winning. Winning ribbons, and the unmistakable friendship and love.

Brea exited the course with tears in her eyes. She did it.

“The results are in.” the announcer boomed. “Congratulations to our hunter over fences winner, Only in Silver ridden by Brea Storme.”

Brea and Delia didn’t bother to hear the rest. They won. Against all odds, Brea and Delia had won.  
