do I get pony pals stickers? I love pony pals and I've read all
the books. Michelle
How can I get one? Thank you, Lindsay
Dear Webmaster, How do I get my Pony Pals
sticker? Cayce
Hi, How can i get a sticker? thanks!! Autumn
Dear Pony Pals Michelle, Lindsay, Cayce
and Autumn,
To get your sticker please email in your parents' name and mailing
address. We will mail one to you in an envelope. This is a limited
time offer. One per mailing address, please. Thanks!
Who Helped
I am so happy that there will be a new version for us to try!
Please say hi to all the members that make this game and that
I love their effort! I, myself, am also very excited about
the new game and am always checking. I've told all my friends
about it, but they never remember..... Well, I just wanted
to wish you good luck and a great Halloween!! Love, Grace
I want to try the game
I want to be a tester Tamara
My name is Sydney and I would like to
be a tester. I am a 6 year old girl.
I want to be a tester please.
Deanna, Suzanne, Jim,
Lucie, Sidney,
Melia, Lyndsey,
Hi my name is Jenna.
I love PonyPals.I would like to sign up to be a pony pal.
Thank you
From pony lover Jenna
Please sign us up to test the game.
My name is Carla V. I'm 7 years old and would like to be a

horse's name is Sharne and she is 3 years old.
Thank you.
Hooves up
hello, how are you going with the website
it mast be really hard. im doing fine i just read movie star
pony its a cool book..hows the new game going..from ponypal
amy g.
Dear Pony pals,
May I please be a tester my name is Asha I am 7 years old
Hello! My daughter, Lauren would like to be a tester for your
game. She is 8 years old. Thanks! Kim
I would like to sign up for the tester
G & S
Hi My name is courtney and I want to
be a tester for the game.
Please add my to the list for tester.
hi I am Emma i love ponies
I don't know what to do so can u send me a email
Chloe Mae, 8 years old
i don't know what this game is about
but i would like to play thanks
Hi! I would like to be a tester. I LOVE
horses! If it involves horses, it should be REALLY fun.
Hi clubpp,
My sister says sgffgugasde (she is dumb)
Luv your sight, its great
Words can’t describe how much I love pony pals and your
I think u should have a show jumping game, dressage game,
a racing game and a x-country game.
My thoughts for show jumping is that we go to the wiggins
estate on our horses and there are Jumps set up.
My thoughts for how to play it, is you click on “Start
Hear” or click on the jump.
By Keely,
p.s.type back to me for more info
p.s.s. how do u play? can call me “Keels”.
Dear Pony Pals Grace, Horse Girl,
Mary, Tamara, Sydney, Deanna, Suzanne, Jim, Lucie, Sidney, Melia,
Lyndsey, Gorgina, Jenna, Pam, Carla, Amy, Asha, Kim, G & S,
Courtney, Randy, Emma, Chloe Mae, Jesse, Keely, Laura and all
the others who wrote in asking to be Testers,
You all got an email on Halloween, telling you about the new version
of the game to try. A few wrote back in time to make it into this
newsletter. See below
Game Reviews
I Liked About Game: The controls are fine. I didn't see any bugs.
(I don't know what they are.)
Complaints: When I got near objects the game went slower. I wonder
if you could use Java. I don't really like there's no sound. Anyways,
I wish the tester Appaloosa would be more like Splash. And what
are bugs?
Dear Pony Pal Summer
Thanks for reminding me about “bugs” -- that is a code
name for problems with game play. All the grown-ups working on this
game use that word and I forget not everyone knows what it means.
The going slower part is a”bug.” We are working on making
the ponies go faster.
On Halloween we sent out a new version to try.
And why is the appaloosa not like Splash?
again, I just sighed up for clubponypals and I love my pony
Style, He's black with a white stripe and socks on his front
legs, What pony do you own that's online? Well I must get back
to riding him see ya online.
PS How do I ride a trail with my 3 ponies? I am new, who owns
Splash and Daisy?
PPS Thanks for letting me sign up. I really love my ponies.
(i have 4 accounts for my friends), What else can you do besides
grooming and riding in the pasture? From Horse girl
PPPS I hope there is more to do. I really love the game and
my ponies.
Dear Pony Pal Tester Horse Girl
It's great to hear from you. There is no rule you only have one
pony, you can have a bunch of them. That way you can ride them as
often as you want.
The next part of the game that we are building is a part of Pony
Pal Trail. There will be an announcement in the Wiggins Weekly when
it is ready to ride.
Daisy and Splash are lesson ponies who live in the Crandal's barn.
Right now they are not in their stalls. Soon you will be able to
visit them and groom them, too.
Thanks for writing and trying our new game!