Ponigirl writes:
In the picture
it looks like the horse is saying, "What's that? Is it edible?"
Pam Crandal writes:
Meredith tells
her horse, "You silly, I'm learning to drive…."
NB Elementary writes:
"You'll hurt
my feelings. Why are you riding that funny little machine instead
of me?" whinnies Squirrel.
Pam Crandal writes:
Meredith laughs.
Then she says, "You are too big for me, Squirrel. I want a
pony. Then I would ride with the Pony Pals, and...."
Summer F. writes:
"I'm not
too big!" neighs Squirrel. "I'm just the right size!"
Lulu Sanders writes:
Meredith thought
Squirrel was funny. She looked very serious. Really she was trying
not to laugh. Then she said, "Some little ponies want to be
big horses. You're lucky to be so big. "
Summer F. writes:
"I am not
too big!" yelled Squirrel. "See, I can lay down and you
can just hop on!"
Anna Harley writes:
Squirrel sniffed
the ground with his nose. He pawed the dirt and bent his front legs.
Then he bent his back legs. Whump. He was on the ground. "Its
nice down here," Squirrel thought. "While I'm down here
I'll ...."
Isabelle M. writes:
"... just
eat some of this clover. Hey when are you getting on?????!"
Anna Harley writes:
Meredith looked at Squirrel decided maybe jumping on without
a saddle or bridle could mean problems.
Isabelle M. writes:
"Ok Squirrel
I will go home and see if I can find someone to ride you."
Anna Harley writes:
Meredith drove off to the barn. When she got there she
was really surprised because she found...
Summer F. writes:
...A girl sitting
in a stool. She had dark blonde hair, and was petting a dapple gray
pony with a black mane and tail. "Who are you?" Meredith
Lulu Sanders writes:
She quiet and seemed to be thinking, but....
Summer F. continues:
The girl didn't
stop petting the pony. "Wait a minute," said Meredith
to herself, "she isn't petting, she is writing a note."
the girl was done, she clipped on her helmet, and tacked up
her pony. "He ya!" shouted the girl. The gray pony galloped.
Meredith saw when the girl was away from the light, her hair was
brown. When she was in the light, her hair was very dark blond.

When the girl and the pony left, Meredith read the note.
It said;
PONY PALS: Pongo, the Appaloosa foal is missing. He's in the Darkwood
Forest, (I found tracks). If you want to help, grab a pony and
go. P.S. Sorry if I'm scared about Darkwood Forest; I had
nightmares about it. SUMMER
was scared. "I have to help," she said.
ran to find Squirrel. He was hiding behind a bush. "Squirrel!
shouted Meredith.
came out from hiding. "A foal has gone missing," Meredith
said, we have to help them find it."
tacked up Squirrel.
I thought I was too big for you," said Squirrel. "Your
size isn't what matters," said Meredith, "the foal is
what matters now."
swung herself on the saddle and chipped her helmet on. "Hy-ho,
Squirrel! Away"
an angry blow, Squirrel galloped. "To Darkwood Forest!"
Squirrel slowed to a canter, then back to a gallop. No matter how
scared they were, they had to help the girl find the foal. "This
could be he greatest adventure in all of Pony Pals History,"
Meredith said to herself, "We could be heroes. Just wait
till the Pony Pals read this!"
Ginny S.
and Squirrel rode carefully through Darkwood Forest so that they
could hear any sounds that would help them find Pongo. Meredith
had tracked deer with her father so she knew the signs to look for,
that would tell her if an animal had come this way.
Rider and trusted pony moved slowly along the leaf-covered trail.
When he came to a tree that had fallen across the trail, Squirrel
refused to go any further.

Photo by Jeanne Betancourt
this strange situation, Meredith thought about what her parents
had said about horse behavior: "Mer-Mer, your pony has a special
sense that tells it when something is wrong. Trust your pony when
it stops and find out why it won't listen when you tell it to go
on." Using caution, Mer-Mer slid off of Squirrel and approached
the ground that was hidden under the fallen tree. Something was
What happens next? Write in and tell us
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