Horsy News, Views and Attitudes   Vol. 1 Number 26 January 14-21, 2008


New Pony Pal Pony!



Pony Pal Sarah B. with Samson.

Learn more in Pony Pals Letters on page 2.



Local Dog Rescued by Pony Pals


Ella Clark's dog Casey, in a photo from last fall.

Pony Pals Patrol for Coyotes

Since early January, three young residents have decided to keep an eye out for four coyotes whose tracks were spotted by Anna Harley on New Years Day.

"We watch for the coyotes every day when we ride," said Lulu Sanders. "Most days we see new tracks. Some of them are right here in town! We tell everyone to be on the lookout."

Lulu's father, wildlife expert Tom Sanders agreed that's a good idea. "Pam, Anna and Lulu know that some coyotes can climb fences," Sanders said. "It's a good idea to bring small pets inside after dark if there are coyotes around."

The Pony Pals may have saved a small dog from becoming a coyote's dinner.

"Last week we were riding home from Pam's house along Riddle Road," Lulu said. "When we were riding by Ms. Clark's house we thought we saw a dog climb out of her yard carrying something!" 

Anna Harley interrupted. "It was a big coyote, carrying Ms. Clark's dog! We started to lope towards the coyote yelling at him. When he saw us, he dropped her dog and took off!"

"Those girls saved my little Casey," said Ella Clark. "She was really scared but not hurt."

      "I'd just let her out for a few minutes at about four o'clock. I plugged in my holiday lights, then I got a phone call about a tough case," Clark, who works for Wiggins Social Services, said. "The yard gates were shut tight. When I heard the girls I ran out to call Casey. The girls rode up with her after they scared off the coyote." 

       Fred Jones of the St. Francis Animal Center reported that there have been several reports of missing small pets.

       "Just last week we got a call from Roger Edwards at the Volunteer Fire Department that their firehouse cat was missing when they returned from a call," Jones reported. "Despite a search that night and the next day, that cat has not been found."

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Horsy News, Views and Attitudes     Vol. 1 Number 26 January 14-21, 2008



Q. I was wondering, do you know if I need to use hoof products on my new horse? Because he is not shod. Me and my Dad met this guy that said we don't need to if he isn't shod but I don't know if I should believe that. The other day I put some neetsfoot oil on his hoofs with a sponge and it worked well. But is there a point in doing that if he isn't shod?                 

A.  Your pony's feet look good in the picture that you sent. He's got three white socks but his hooves look dark. Black or dark hooves are usually harder than white ones. Oiling those hooves is just like putting lotion on your hands and nails. It will make his feet more flexible and also a little softer. If he has cracks in his hooves oil may help them to heal. But on hard ground like gravel roads, rocks or sand his hooves will need to be less soft so they do not wear down too quickly. Even if you do not plan to shoe him, you will need to keep his hooves trimmed so his feet wear properly. So ask your farrier (horse shoer) if your pony's hooves need to be oiled.


Q. There are 3 beautiful ponies a little ways down the road (1 or 2 miles to be exact) and I visit them frequently. Though they are not skinny, do not seem like they have colic, and their coats are glossy, I've only seen a person out there once considering how much I see the horses. There is lots of manure in their pasture as if the owner doesn't like to clean, and their water is just about always frozen, how are they staying so healthy? Also, If horses lick frozen water will their tongues freeze?


A.   The thing IĠd be most worried about is their not having liquid water. Horses and ponies must have fresh water to drink or they may get dehydrated (too thirsty) which can lead to colic. 

 (Continued on page 3)

 Pony Pals  Letters


Dear Wiggins Weekly,


   Hi, my name is Sarah B. and I emailed you about my pony. Remember I was nervous to ride him? Good news! We still haven't ridden him, but I am doing great on the lead line and I have even taught him tricks!


    My Dad has a saddle he has to fix, but when he can fix it he will ride the pony first and then I will ride him! I will be riding him at least once a week, but probably more than that when I can. I am not that nervous anymore.


Here is a picture of Samson, isn't he beautiful?

(Every pony is beautiful, including Samson. Congratulations on your new equine friend!)


Hey Webmaster,

     I am getting to work at the barn that I ride at 2 or 3 times a week and it is sooo fun! I am going tomorrow & Tuesday. My favorite thing to do is feed the ponies.

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Horsy News, Views and Attitudes     Vol. 1 Number 26 January 14-21, 2008

Ski Joring   photo courtesy of North East Ski Joring Association (NESJA)

Ski Joring Clinic Prizes Offered

       Folgers Feed of Wiggins has donated prizes for the winners at the North East Ski Joring Association competition and training day on January 26.  A 90-minute training clinic will start at 10 am at Olson's Farm in Wiggins, VT. 

       "We have a pee wee division starting at ages 10 and under, a growing Junior division, and we have competitors in open division at the age of 65," Geoff Smith, President of NESJA, said. "We are trying to grow the activity as a family sport we have them as well as individuals who compete."

      Interested riders are encouraged to register at Olson's Farm, or call 555-1255 for more information.




(Continued from page 2)

        Do you ever see those ponies with liquid water? It may be their owner comes by and gives them fresh water early in the morning or in the evening when they feed, but by the time you see the ponies' water, it has had time to freeze.

        In the wild, horses can lick snow to get a drink but it is hard for them to get enough moisture unless they also have liquid water to drink.

Pony Power thought for the day - -

The biggest horses aren't always the best travelers.