
September Story Contest

Land of the Barren Oath part 2 part 1
By: Keely
Age: 14

Kehrilo reached behind her to slap Jacovy on the rump, she slapped him hard, he leapt forward nearly wrenching Kehrilo’s arm from it’s socket. She staggered as Jacovy nearly pulled her off her feet then he stopped.

 Jacovy turned and stared accusingly at Kehrilo.
 “I’m sorry Jacovy. It was the only way.”  She gently stroked the bay’s face. He nickered softly as if to say, “It’s alright, I forgive you.”

 Kehrilo looked about. She looked at the grey brown sandy dirt. Kehrilo sighed.
 “Come’ on Jacovy...we better hit the trail before they find out we’re gone”, muttered Kehrilo to her horse.

 Kehrilo trudged along, Jacovy’s reins in her hand, guiding him towards the mountain. Jacovy seemed tense and over alert, as if he was waiting for something to jump out and eat them.

 “What’s the matter Jacovy?”  Kehrilo paused, turned and looked at the dark horse. He was staring in the distance at a dark cloudbank.

  Then Kehrilo noticed that the cloudbank was moving much too fast to be clouds. As it drew closer she gasped at is over towering heights. Kehrilo moved closer to Jacovy, entangling her hand in his mane and drawing his head downward, she blocked his head with her torso.

 Then suddenly a screeching, whirling, mass of stinging sand came over them. Kehrilo gasped at the pain of the pelting grains of sand. She buried her face in Jacovy’s dark forelock. Then suddenly the wind stopped, the sand storm had moved on, beyond them.

 Kehrilo cautiously lifter her head and wiped away the grains of sand that had stuck to her face, she looked at the flat land, it looked different. She then wiped the sand from Jacovy’s face.

  “Where is she?!”  Eugenia Jydosa, Kehrilo’s mother, was frantic, worry etched into her face.
  “I’m sure there’s a logical explanation, Kehrilo won’t do anything stupid, she’s a pretty smart girl, Eugenia”,  Patrick consoled his wife.
  “I should of known she would of wanted to leave, she never could keep a straight head when it came to making decisions in a moment”,  Eugenia lamented.
  “Maybe we should tell the townspeople, they might know something”, suggested Patrick.
  “I hope they know something!”  Eugenia clutched to Patrick in desperation.

A/N I know it's short, but I haven't been as faithful I should be to it...any and all suggestions are appreciated!