
September Story Contest

A Misty Morning
By: Misspippy
Age: 12

It was 7:00 AM and Selena was already zipping up her boots over her cinnamon tan pants, eager and energetic. Her mother was already in the barn, tacking up her Light Chesnut Mare, who at the time was expecting a foal within months, Delia. Selena ran through the fresh green grass, covered lightly with a layer of dew from last night.

She hurried towards the large field, unable to wipe the smile off her face. Her arctic blue eyes scanned the field, until the locked on her pony, Misty, nibbling on the moist grass. She called for the light grey pony, and sure enough, as soon as she did, Misty swooped up her head, and trotted happily to the gate.
Lifting a blue halter over her small ears, Selena lead her out of the field, latching the gate locked behind her. She put her on the cross ties behind Delia, and tacked her up with her best trail tack, a light blue pad, and a chesnut color saddle and bridle.

After her and her mom were mounted and warmed up, they both headed out to the path in the woods. Misty stayed behind Delia, feeling small, Misty being 12 to 13 hands, and Delia being about 16 HH, but she felt powerful.
“Selena, we're headed towards the shallow creek, then I want you to trot behind us, over a few small jumps”, her mother said.
As they walked easily through the creek, Misty splashed her tiny shoed hoof in the water. Delia easily hopped the jump, barely lifting her long thoroughbred legs to get over, while Misty had quite the leap over the fallen trees and gates.

Suddenly, after a tall white fence jump in the field, a group of deer pranced, out of nowhere. Misty tossed her head a bit, but seemed unafraid of the quick movement. Though Delia was NOT happy about the hopping deer, bolting with all her might, galloping top speed, reached a “unjump-able” incredibly tall stone wall.

With all the mares might, she leaped the wall, sending Selena’s mother flying over the jump. Hitting the hard stone with her body, she layed silently, unconscious beside the wall. Gasping, Selena galloped misty top speed towards the jump, unable to reach her mother, she thought quickly, turning back, and cantering as fast as Mistys little legs could carry her,she rocked far back on her haunches, pushing with bundles of energy, flexing her back like never before, tucking her knees in perfect form and leaped steadily over the jump. Selena, extremely frantic, being only 12 years old, dismounted while they were still trotting, and trusted misty enough to stand still while she waited.

Selena kneeled beside her mother, tears in her eyes, unable to even see Delia, who was still tacked somewhere in the woods, or even farther. All she could do was cry, because that’s all she could think to do, and with shaking hands, dialed her phone.

* This story WILL be continued! Will Selena find help for her mother? Will her and Misty be ok? Will they find Delia in time? All these questions will be answered, in the next story!*