
August Story Contest

Only Weakness
By: AymieArabian
Age: 14

    This is a true story, All the things in this story have happened. Please if you can, hold back your tears.

     My name is AymiesArabian (Not really I just can’t say my real name) at 13 I was an experienced horse person. Or so I thought. I was so experienced I could handle any ‘horse’ situation. Or so I thought. I had no weaknesses in my horse experience. Think again! Last year, I moved out of the ‘town’ I was in and into the country. I had riding lessons three years before but was a bit rusty in the skills of riding.

    Anyway, my parents had found a place right beside where our new neighbour kept his breeding horses. which where only halter broke. I was so happy that I was that close to horses I could not wait to go up to one and hug it! My parents did not let me go to them, until I asked our new neighbour if I could. So I did.

     “Hey, can I visit your horses every once-and-a-while, Sir?” I asked in a formal manner. “Well sure you can, just be careful and call me if anything goes wrong.” The mid-aged slightly muscular man answered.

     I thanked him nearly a million times before I left to see his broodmares and their foals. All the horses were black and white Paint cross Percheron horses. I did not like the black and white coloured horses at the time. Yet my love for horses was more then the dislike of the colour. So I went up to one of them that looked mostly white, with a black patch over her right eye. The patch looked like a magnifying glass, making me think about a detective, and that is what I called her. Detective. I named a mostly black mare Midnight, because of me dreaming about her in my deep sleeps after every time I saw her, and because of her coat.

     I could not really get close to Detective, but Midnight let me come up to her and groom her. I found out later that she had a filly. This filly was about six months old, raven black with a white star on her forehead and four stockings. She was a gorgeous filly that I called MajesticDream. I loved that filly so much. There was a problem though, Midnight, MajesticDream’s mom was pregnant again.

     Midnight and MajesticDream became my favourite horse friends. I was out everyday after school with them, (At this time I had just started in a new school) and I got closer to Detective as well. The four of us were best friends, until October, my birthday is on the 21st of October. Three days before that, I went out to see my three horse friends. They had all gone from the 80 acre pasture, All 25 mares and foals. I could not believe it, my horse friends were gone. I had no idea were they went!

     At school, I am not the most popular girl; so all I can do is think about my three best horse friends. I keep wondering were they all are! Finally I ask the owner where they are.

     “Hello, I was wondering were the horses are. Are they in a different pasture?” stuttering he replies “Sorry, I’m outside and it’s cold. But Yes, I’m weaning the foals tonight so the foals will be out in the 80 acres by tomorrow morning.” I answer delightedly “Ok thank you so much!!” During the night, I had a dream. The dream was about Midnight and MajesticDream; they were at the auction being sold to some man who needed another horse. The man needed another horse because he had worked his old horse to death. Suddenly I woke my self up, with just a single tear running down my cheek.

     In the morning, I could not wait to see MajesticDream. She was the only horse I could see as Detective and Midnight were in a different pen for the weaning. After breakfast I looked through the binoculars to see MajesticDream standing with her rear facing me. She was also far away from all the other foals. This was not like her.

     Confused, but happy that I could see her again, I left the house. Hopping over our fence to get into the 80 acre pasture that MajesticDream was in, I walked slowly towards my filly friend. I whistled to her just as I would normally when I wanted her to come, like she normally did. This time she only whinnied urgently.

Still getting closer, I whistled again. She turned her head, and nickered. She did not come to me. She did not even move a hoof! Not even a tail swish. I ran to her then! Knowing something was wrong. I startled her and I nearly got kicked in the face, what was worse was that she did she turned to face me after to say sorry and I saw what was wrong.

     MajesticDream’s chest was scratched and torn. I could not look at it! It was too much for me. So I looked into her big brown eyes, with tears coming out of mine. Her’s were soft, and urgently asking me to help her. Mine were terrified and unsure of what to do.

     I bent down to look at the wound to see if it was as bad as I thought. It was worse. Nearly bursting with tears I walked myself home. Walking a few yards I fell to my knees, crying… I could not stand it! Yet, bringing myself to my feet, I left the pasture the foals were in. My parents were outside and they saw me holding myself and crying. Mom came and asked what was wrong.

    “What happened? Did one of them kick you? Did you get hurt?” She asked and I replied “No, one of THEM is hurt. Call him!” Screaming out as my mother held me close. My father was already on the phone with the owner.

    “Hi, one of your horses is hurt… Yes my daughter was just there with your horses…”

    “Her CHEST IS CUT OPEN!” I screamed, tears racing down my face.

    He said on the phone. “You heard that I suppose? Okay, good. Thanks, bye. He is coming to take care of it sweetie; you don’t have to worry…” My father said to me calmly, but I already knew what was going to happen to poor MajesticDream. I just did not know how her injury happened.

    I walked inside the house with my mother stabling me so I would not fall. After a while, I eased the tears away; trying to get over my lost friend. I could and would never forget that little black filly I called MajesticDream. She had to be put down because of the severity of her wound.

    I sulked in my room for seven days, all the time after school I could not do anything but think. I would look out the living room window once and a while to see if Detective and Midnight where out in the 80 acres. They never were in the 80 acres, therefore I never saw them again.

EXCLUSIVE*** Sneak peak into Chapter 2 of ‘Only Weakness’

    Nearing the Christmas Break, new horses came into the 80 acres just beside my house. These where untamed Stallions and colts, one of which MajesticDream came out of.