
August Story Contest

Never Forget Each Other
By: Kaitlin2010
Age: 10

      “Swift swift, swift swift, swift swift, swift swift…..” “Don’t you just love the sound of the brush flowing through your mane, boy?” 15 year old Katie Smith asked her chestnut gelding race horse, Oscar, while brushing him with a curry comb. It was only 5:00 A.M, but Katie didn’t care, she wanted to spend as much time with Oscar as she could, since today was the last day she would ever get to spend with Oscar. Katie and her parents had been dreading this day for a long long time. Because today was the day that some men from Old Friends Farm, a retirement home for retired race horses, were going to come and pick up Oscar at 7:00 A.M.

Katie’s family owned, raced and bred race horses. They had a huge race horse farm. They even used to own Secretariet’s son, but he retired a few years ago, so he went to Old Friends Farm. Award Winner was Oscar’s race name. Oscar ran in all kinds of races, cross country, steeplechase, and he ran in the Belmont Stakes once! All in all, he was a great race horse, and a great horse. But unfortunately, since he was 8, Oscar retired last Christmas. Even though Katie didn’t get to ride Oscar in very many races, she still loved him more than any horse at the farm, which is why it was so heartbreaking for her to see him go.

After Katie was done brushing Oscar, she fed him. Then she put Oscar’s halter and lead rope on him and led him out of his stall. “Since this will be the last time I get to ride you,” Katie explained to Oscar while sniffing back her tears, “I want to ride you the fun way.” Oscar nudged Katie’s shoulder with his head as if he knew what she meant. Katie smiled at Oscar. “Oscar, you know you’re not supposed to do that to me or anybody, for that matter,” Katie told Oscar while pushing away his head. “Since you know what I mean, I guess I don’t have to explain,” Katie said to Oscar while throwing the lead rope over Oscar’s head after they got outside. “It’s really cold out here, boy.” Katie explained to Oscar while hugging herself tightly.

It was mid march, so there was still snow on the ground. Katie had a big heavy coat on, riding gloves, long jeans, half chaps, three pairs of socks , rubber riding boots, and she was still cold! After Katie threw Oscar’s lead rope over his head, she went over to the other side of him and tied the lead rope to his halter. Then she went over to Oscar’s left side, grabbed onto his mane, and swung up onto him, bareback! Katie got up into 2-piont, bent her knees, and put her heels down, “Ready… Set…….. Go!” And on command, Oscar leaped into a fast sprint! Katie and Oscar were flying! They were like one. Katie had the biggest smile on her face. But then she remembered that today was the last day she would have with Oscar, and then, her smile started to fade.

All of a sudden, Katie noticed that it was already 6:30! She needed to hurry, or she wouldn’t be able to get Oscar ready in time. Katie reluctantly pulled back on Oscar’s lead rope/reins and said, “Whoa, boy, whoa Oscar.” After Oscar had slowed down into a walk, Katie patted his shoulder. Oscar stretched his neck out, put his nose in the snow, pulled his nose out of the snow, and looked at Katie with a confused expression on his face! “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,” Katie laughed at Oscar, “I was wondering why you were looking at me like that, you have snow stuck in your whiskers!” Then Katie reached her hand out to wipe the snow off of Oscar’s nose. Katie swung her right leg over Oscar’s side and slid off of the sweaty, cold horse. “Katie, It’s time to say good-bye to Oscar,” Katie heard a trembly voice over her shoulder.

Katie turned around to see her mom standing behind her, crying! “What? I thought they were coming at seven!” Katie protested, getting so upset that she had tears rolling down her cheeks. “They just called and said that their car broke down last night and that we would have to bring him over our self’s, would you like to come with me, Katie?” Mrs. Smith asked Katie while wiping away her tears. “No, I’d rather say good-bye here.” Katie said to her to mom while turning around to face Oscar, “May I have a minute alone with him, mom?” “Of course dear,”

After Katie’s mom went to the trailer to get it ready, Katie said good-bye to Oscar. “Hey boy,” Katie could hardly talk because she was so upset, “I hope you know I love you, that is why it is so hard for me to say good-bye.” Oscar looked at Katie with a sad look, as if he knew what she was talking about. “I can’t explain how bad this hurts me, but you’ll be going to a better home,” Katie looked into Oscar’s eyes, then wrapped her arms around Oscar’s neck, hugged him tightly, and said, “I love you….” She trembled over her words, “Oscar.”

Then, just like that, she let him go, not just with her arms, but with her heart. Even though they were old friends, they were never going to forget each other.

                                                                      The End

p.s. One of the reasons I entered this contest was because I need the money to pay off my boarding fee! The other reason is because I love writing stories! Oh yea, I almost forgot, there might be an Old Friends 2 in the next story contest! Please vote for my story,
Kaitlin2010, Spots and Spirit