
February Story Contest

Galloping Horse Ranch: Prank Joke part 2 part 1
By: Chelsea2
Age: 12

Mia – owner of the ranch, brown hair, green eyes, 40 years, Red, Blue, and Star
Kodie – Mia’s child, golden hair, blue eyes, 16 years, Black Diamond, Moon light Shadow, and Warrior
Lulu – Golden Brown hair, grown eyes, 15 years, Diamond and Jake
Alyssa – Dark brown hair, brown eyes, 14 years, Luck Lady, Jasper, and Fallen Jinx
Crystal – Black and blue hair, silvery blue eyes, 13 years, Variety, Ocean
Mike – Black brown hair, green eyes, 16 years, Fire and Time


“Oh Alyssa, I’m sure we’ll fine him.” Said Lulu
“How can you be so sure?” asked Alyssa.
“Mia, Kodie, and Mike are all out there.” Looks out from one of the windows in to a bad snow storm.
“And Crystal asleep.” Said Alyssa
“No, not really.” Crystal yawned out. “I’m right here.”
“Awake?” asked Lulu
“No, not really.” Said Crystal.
Alyssa said sighing “I hope all 3 come back safely.”

The 3 riders ride there horses in to the storm.
“If I were a horse, were would I hide?” asked Kodie
“Did you head that?” yelled Mike over the howling wind.
“Yes.” Replied Mia in the same loudness in a yell.
The 3 riders ride there horses closer, and in to the woods of Stallion Forest.
“By quite you horse!” yelled a girl.
“You were the best horse there, and the kids were on the porch too, I can’t believe you left with me! This will show Kodie that we are better!”
“Don’t forget about us, us too.” Said a boy.
“Ok, fine we tie. She will have to join us now!”

“Give back Fallen Jinx!” roared Mike over the wind, the 3 riders riding there horses in to site.
“Or else.” Yelled Mia
“Or else what?” asked the girl.
“You don’t want to know!” yelled Kodie, anger in her voice, her eyes half way closed to the wind.
“Try and get us!” The boy kicks his horse in to a gallop, the girl tried to follow, but Fallen Jinx bucks, sending the girl up on his neck, he rears back, sending the girl on to his back, he bucks again, sending the girl flying over his lowered head and in to the deep snow.
“Got him!” said Kodie grapping his reins.
“That’s the ‘or else’.” Said Mia.
The 3 riders trot in to the barn and take care of the horses, with freezing hands.

“Let us take care of them.” Said Alyssa, taking Fallen Jinx from Kodie
“Thanks.” Breathed Kodie.
“Kodie, Mike, I got Time and MoonLight Wonder.” Lulu takes the 2 horses from their owners.
“Mia, I got Star for you.” Crystal said
Mia nods her thanks and leads Kodie and Mike in to the warm house.

The 3 girls brush off the snow off the 4 horses, pick the snow out of there hooves, and some snow that melted, they dry, so the horse are nice and warm.
“That should do them.” Said Alyssa putting Fallen Jinx in to his stall. Lulu puts MoonLight Wonder and Tim in there stalls, and Crystal puts Star in his stall.
“Lets go inside now.” Said Crystal. “time for dinner.”
“Lulu and I made it.” Alyssa smiles as Crystal looks back at the 2 girls.
“Then it better be good.”

All the campers, Kodie, and Mia sit around the table joking and laughing as they eat, they soon get ready for bed when Kodie gets a knock on her door late at night.
“What do you want Mike?” asked Kodie, sleep in her eyes, and yawns.
“All of us are here.” Said Crystal, all of them creep in to her bed room.
“Why did they want you to join them?” asked Mike.
“Well, it’s a long story.” Sighed Kodie.
“And we have a long night.” Said Lulu.
“And so it starts…” started Kodie, the others sitting on Kodie’s purple carpet, leaning in to hear Kodie’s quite voice as she sits on her bed and tell the story.


Read in the next part to hear the story of why Ruby Ranch, and Reining Show Ranch both want Kodie so much. Here is a sneak peek:

“They just don’t think, they know that I’m the best rider on town, and can easily train horses to be very good.”
“But if you’re the best rider, what about those really good riders on TV for their ads?” asked Alyssa
“I’m better then them, those riders are the owners. They just have the training to do the ads, Mia and I….”

That’s all you get for now, I did start to give you to much, I just get drawn in to them, ready next months story, its just about Kodie’s story, but something bad happens at the other ranches, can the others safe them in time?