
November Story Contest

Wild and Free
By: Alyssa

Hooves are pounding on the ground,        
kicking up dust all around.        
I hear a whinny, and then a neigh,        
and know that something is not OK.        

The predators streak across the land,
running and leaping, after our band.
I didn’t give up and did my best,
but I couldn’t, just couldn’t keep up with the rest.

The predators start circling me, left and right,
they never let me out of their sight.
Suddenly I hear a whinny and look and see,
my stallion coming to rescue me!

He kicks and bites as the predators growl,
and kicks one in the face and makes it howl.

I manage to escape and run with all my might,
but when I look back I see a very sad sight.

My stallion lay suffering on the ground,
while the predators tear at him all around.
My stallion was powerful, brave and smart,
but I will always remember his heart.

He gave his life up this day for me,
so I could live on to run wild and free.