
November Story Contest

True Story: Me Getting Bravery, A Real Welsh Mare
By: Katie and Bravery
Age: 11

   It was a Wednesday afternoon when I dismounted Luxury's Seacrew, the lesson horse i rode all the time.  I was 8 years old and I loved horses.  I started riding when I was 3 and my twin sister, Scarlet, did too.  I untacked Lux and headed toward my friend Bella's pony, Bubbles.  We untacked him and then I left.  My mom had said we were going shopping.  I had always wanted a horse and all my friend had at least one.  We pulled up to my aunt's ranch.  She said she would sell us two of her best english horses.  Scarlet had wanted a bay welsh mare, who was nameless. I wanted a gray welsh pony mare named Snowflake(a gray can be when a horse has white fur and gray skin). 
We tried riding them and we loved them.  We came back the next day to ride them again and make sure we wanted them.  I fell in love with the nameless mare and my sis did with Snowflake.  I ended up getting the nameless mare.  I now have won many blue and champion ribbons on her. Her name is now Bravery.

"You are my life," I said softly "You are my spirit of hope. You are my Bravery."