Save The Wild Mustangs: A Report
By: Onaneagle
Age: 7
This isn’t a story, it’s a report why to save the mustangs.
One day, an older wild mare was captured in Utah and brought to Wyoming to await her fate. The U.S. Government had passed a bill stating that any wild horse in captivity over the age of 10, or which failed to be adopted 3 times, must be disposed of in a humane, cost effective matter. This mare was over 10, but she was also pregnant. Workers with Save the Wild Mustangs Foundation (SWM) flew to Wyoming to purchase several wild horses, in order to show older horses had a better fate than death. Would the mare’s foal live to see daylight?
Mustangs deserve to survive. Mustang is another word for “Wild Horse,” which come in different shapes and colors. They are alert, swift, hardy, agile, surefooted, intelligent, and spirited horses. Mustangs can be trained by experienced riders to excel in English, Western pleasure, Dressage, Driving, Endurance, and Barrel racing. Horselovers will be heart broken if mustangs are gone.
Horses have been pushed aside for livestock. There are 50 cattle for each wild horse grazing on public land. Ranchers are charged less to graze a cow on public lands than to feed a cat. Why should ranchers get rich while mustangs are being sent to the slaughter house?
Mustangs will disappear if action is not taken. There are less than 33,000 mustangs left with many herds much too small to breed. Many experts agree by the end of the century, mustangs will be extinct. Sadly, mustangs will no longer run free unless people act to save them.
A few months after the wild mare was purchased by the SWM Foundation, her foal was born. He was a little bay with a big blaze on his forehead. Cody was scheduled to be shown at a fair. Everyone loved him so much that Cody appeared in the ring at least four times a day! Now Cody is an ambassador for wild horses and is doing great in full training. Mustangs like Cody deserve to live! You can help by signing petitions, sending money, or writing your state congresspeople.