
November Story Contest

Pain to Peace
By: Ellie Renneberg2

Age: 10

My hooves are thudding on the ground.
Its a miracle that my legs are sound.
His legs keep banging my sides
and he will never ever  hear my cries
one shoe is gone from my feet
as if he will think of a treat.
back at the paddock, un-tacked, no
he leaves me in a pen, on his cheeks a red glow
my legs are sore,
my health is poor
all i ask for is death
what is ask for, all is death
my saddle sloping on my back,
never, will i have a peaceful hack
a red, sore , painful mark on my back,
a mahogany line, from the whip that makes a crack
oh, will i never ever see again
a peaceful life, a dark, sweet  den
at last i am untacked
the saddle hits the ground with a crack
my bridle stays put
i move my sore foot
walk with him across the road
i am walking, in, a painful mode
little do i know what i am headed for
a woman, aged twenty four
a real horse lover, is what she is
there i am sold, to what is
wide open spaces, horse galore
a warm mash in my stable, and she closes the stable door.
Peace, at last