
November Story Contest

By: poor Pretty Boy

Age: 9

   It was morning. There was dew on the ground, and the sun was peeking out from the clouds. I am Belle, a black Mustang filly with a star. The lead stallion of the herd was Ace. Ace was bay with scars from fights with the wild cats and other stallions. We lived in the grasslands. In the summer it was boiling hot, and the winter could be bitterly cold. It was spring, and it was our favorite season. I was trotting around when I saw a strange figure in the distance. I asked Ace what it was, but it was only some rocks. I listened to the wind, howling trough the trees. It was a misty morning. I saw another figure. Little did I know that the figure was about to chance my life. It was the strange looking horse, walking on its hind legs, no coat but this thing that covered their bodies, and no tail. I thought they were horses, but boy was I wrong. They were holding vines. Wait a second, I thought. Horses can’t hold things, like vines. When I trotted closer, I saw they were… HUMANS!

I leapt on my hoofs and the human tried to catch me. First time, he got the rope stuck on a branch. Second time, he thought he caught me, but I slipped out of the rope before it tightened my leg. Third time he roped my neck. I collapsed to the ground with a loud thud. I whinnied for help. Ace heard me and started to gallop to me, but it was to late. The humans put me in a huge box called a “trailer’. He drove me to a stable, called “Sunbeam Stables”. The humans trained me and soon, I was a advanced lesson horse. I met another horse, named Prancer, in the stall next to me. Prancer was a chestnut mare. She said she was once a wild horse too. Her herd name was Chestnut, and she said that the humans would name me at once. She also said that you need to be nice to everyone. The humans, students, your rider, the horses and ponies and everyone else. I learned my new name an hour later.

The named me Blackie. I got a rider a week later. Her name was Anna. Anna was ridding at Sunbeam Stables for ten years, about before she could walk. Like Prancer said, I was nice to her and she was having a grate time, like me. At the end of the lessons, we would always go on a trail ride with log jumps, a stream, and a fence jump. Every time, we would jump swiftly over the log jump, canter across the stream *SPLASH!*, and fly over the fence. When Anna left the stables, I would nuzzle her before she left. We always had a grate time. It was May, 2 weeks away from the jump of for the advanced riders. The other riders watched the advanced riders jump, and vote for who was best! But this year was different. The famous Sue Smith would be watching!

We trained every day after she did her homework.
”Come on, Blackie, last jump.’ Anna said as we cleared the last jump. The course went like this: Wall jump, fence, double oxer, water jump, hedge jump, and finally, a log cross. The big day was today. Me and Anna have gong through the course about 14 times he and were in good shape. Anna put on my bridle, my saddle pad and saddle. Our colors were Lavender with red stripes. Anna put on her helmet and mounted me. We were the last ones to go. We knew the other riders were better. Clara Flarty just cleared the last jump. It was our turn.
“Come on Blackie. It’s no or never.’ Anna said in a calm voice. We canter to the Wall jump and cleared it. The fence jump up was ahead. Anna kicked my sides and I leapt of the ground and we glided over the fence jump and softly landed on the soft sand. We approached the Oxen jump was across from the water jump. We swiftly turned and cleared the oxer.

Next was the water jump. We cantered toward the jump and Anna kicked my sides and we glided over and landed in the calm water *SPLASH!* the hedge jump was ahead. We cantered up and flew over the jump as the grass brushed my hooves and cleared it. Anna and me were very impressed with ourselves. It was the last jump, the log cross. “This is it girl. The last jump” Anna said. I cantered swiftly to the logs. Anna kicked my sides, and we glide over the jump.
“Good girl, blackie!” Anna said.

The judges and Sue added up the scored “The winner is… Anna Harley and Blackie!” Sue announced. “We won Blackie! We won!” Anna said. She dismounted me and gave me a hug. I reared and wined as if to say “YA! We won!”. The rest of the day was pretty normal, when Sue walked up to Anna. “you did some nice work out there, Anna.” Sue said.
“Thanks. We have been practicing.” Anna said. “I talked to the owner and trainer, Max. How would you like to keep Blackie?” Sue said.
“KEEP Blackie!?!? I would love to!” Anna said.
“I will bring her over with all you and Blackie need.”
"Can I re-name her?” Anna asked.
“Sure!” Sue said.
“I will name her her real name, Belle.” Anna said.
Now that’s what I like to here I thought.

The next day Sue took m to Anna’s house. Anna had put up a pasture and pen fence that was horse safe.
“Here she is” Sue said.
“I will put her in the pen, and you get the supplies.” Anna said. Anna lead my to the pasture to graze.
“Here is her tack from the stable, the bridle, saddle pad and saddle. Here is the halter and grooming kit and a year’s worth of food. And we will bay her boarding fees.” Sue said.
“Okay” Anna said. She put the supplies in the barn. The feed in the feed bucket, tack in the tack room, and the grooming kit underneath the tack.
”Want to go for a trail ride, Girl?” I whinnied okay and  we went on the forest trail ride.
”Good girl” Anna said.

I am a good girl I thought.